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学校生活仅仅是人生的一个阶段,是学生走上社会前的准备阶段,它应该能够为学生走上社会以后面对社会生活的种种挑战打下坚实的基础。换言之,学校的教育应该能够使学生终生受益。社会在不断发展,所有的是非标准、价值观念也在不断变化,这就要求受教育者在长期的社会实践中,不断调整自己,逐步形成自律机制。 School life is only a stage of life. It is a preparation stage for students to embark on the society. It should be able to lay a solid foundation for students to face the challenges of social life after embarking on the society. In other words, school education should be able to benefit students throughout their lives. The society is constantly developing. All non-standards and values ​​are constantly changing. This requires the educated to constantly adjust themselves in the long-term social practice and gradually form a self-discipline mechanism.
该试题由上海外语附中荣新民老师根据统编教材第三册1至6课内容设计,以供高三学生以及具有相当英语水平的英语学习者自测用。试题答案和分析将在下期刊出。 The questions
live,living,alive与lively都可用作形容词,表示“活的”、“活跃的”、“活泼的”之意,但它们的含义和具体用法有所不同。其辨析如下: Live, living, alive, and lively c
Bob can’t swim.Last Sunday he fell into a river.He called for help.Aboy jumped into the river and pulled him out. “The boy saved your life.”said his wife.“
A driver stopped his car on a street side tohave a rest.As he lay down in the seat and closedhis eyes,a pedestrian(行人)came up andknocked at his window to ask
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