《孙子兵法·军争篇》中指出:“以治待乱,以静待哗,此治心者也。”意思是说,以自己的严整等待敌人的混乱,以自己的镇静等待敌人的轻躁,这是掌握军心的方法。以静待哗、按兵不动是历代兵家惯用的谋略。如今,它已被中外众多企业应用于经营实践之中,形成商战中“以静制动,不变制胜”的经营谋略,这一谋略的要领是:企业在其经营活动中,面对激烈的市场竞争,不与他人争一时之高低,而是镇定自若,在他人不断变换手法时,自己以“不变”保持经营特色和产品的个性,从而赢得市场和消费者,获取经营上的成功。 在西方国家流行这样一句话;“没有喝过德国啤酒,就不算喝过啤酒”,说明德国的啤酒颇有名气,而
In “The Art of War and Military Struggle”, it is pointed out: “To cure the chaos and to wait for blasphemy, this meditation is also true.” Means to say, to wait for the enemy’s chaos with their own strictness, to calm their own waiting for the enemy’s light Well, this is a way to master the military. It is a common strategy for the soldiers of the past to stay quiet and hold soldiers. Today, it has been used by many Chinese and foreign companies in business practices to form a business strategy of “stabilizing and winning without change” in the business war. The essentials of this strategy are: the company faces fierce competition in its business activities. Competition in the market does not compete with others for a time, but it is calm and self-possessing. When others constantly change their tactics, they maintain their individuality of operating characteristics and products with “unchanged” so as to win market and consumers and gain operational success. In Western countries, such a popular phrase; “have not had a German beer, it is not a drink of beer,” indicating that the German beer is quite famous, and