
来源 :家教博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:basilmhb
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3岁以上小儿睡眠中自遗,醒后才发觉的一种病症,俗称“尿床”。这种病的发生,是由于小儿智力未健,排尿的正常习惯尚未养成,因而不能自主排尿。一般地说,遗尿多与肾和膀胱虚冷有关,因热引起的较少见。小儿尿床除了服用药物外,加强饮食调理也是好办法。如平时宜常进食具有补肾缩尿之功能的食物,像羊肉、狗肉、茼蒿菜、猪脊骨、鸡肠、猪膀胱、狗肾、龟肉等。饮食上不要太甜或者太咸,不要吃生冷之物。在每日晚餐及晚餐后,注意控制孩子的饮水量,少给流质饮食,少喝水,汤药也应 Children over 3 years of age since the sleep, woke up after found a condition, commonly known as “bed-wetting.” The occurrence of this disease is due to children’s mental health, normal habits of voiding have not yet developed, and therefore can not spontaneously urinate. In general, enuresis and more kidney and bladder-related, due to heat caused by less common. In addition to taking drugs in children with bed-wetting, to strengthen the diet is also a good way. Such as peacetime should often eat foods with the function of kidney and urine, such as mutton, dog meat, chrysanthemum vegetables, pig spine, chicken intestine, pig bladder, dog kidney, turtle meat and so on. Do not eat too sweet or too salty diet, do not eat raw things. In the daily dinner and dinner, pay attention to control the child’s drinking water, less liquid diet, drink less water, decoction should also
吸烟的人总是这样说,但又总是能找出各种借口重蹈覆辙,因为真正戒烟并不是件容易的事。本文将介绍所有的戒烟方法,从尼古丁膏药到心理治疗。 Smoking people always say tha