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长白山麦饭石是延边朝鲜族自治州和龙市勇化乡长白山自然保护区内的天然药石。本实验为了探讨其药理作用 ,按我室建立的常规方法进行乳鼠心肌细胞培养 ,培养至 3天用于实验。取生长良好的培养瓶 48瓶分正常组、模型组、实验组 ,实验对照组。然后各组继续培养 12 0分钟 ,取生长 Changbai Maifan Stone is a natural medicine stone within the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Yonghua Township, Longshi City. In order to investigate its pharmacological effects, this experiment was performed in a routine manner established in our laboratory for the culture of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and cultured for 3 days for experiments. Take well-cultured flasks 48 bottles of normal group, model group, experimental group, experimental control group. Then each group will continue to train for 120 minutes and grow.
Objective Tostudythefeasibilityofadenovirusmediatedgenetransferintoveingraftsandtheroleoftheprourokinasegeneinprotectingveingra Objective Tostudythefeasibilityofadenovirusmediatedgenetransferintoveraftsandtheroleoftheprourokinasegeneinprotectingveingra
Objective To observe the effect of the transfer of multidrug resistance gene (mdr1) into human hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) on the chemoprotection Met
To further study the anti metastasis mechanism of laminin glycopeptides on carcinoma cell proliferation, apoptosis and the secretion of matrix metalloproteina
目的 建立感冒清热冲剂葛根素的测定方法。方法 采用薄层荧光扫描法 ,以甲醇为溶剂 ,超声处理样品 ,氯仿—甲醇—醋酸乙酯—水 (8.1 9.4 2 6 4)为展开剂 ,激发波长为 32
目的 :研究四季三黄胶囊质量标准控制方法。方法 :样品经适当提取后点于硅胶 G薄层板上 ,以正丁醇 -冰醋酸 -水 ( 7:1:2 )为展开剂 ,紫外光灯 ( 3 65 nm)下检视 ,测定波长为
笑展览馆:保加利亚的卡尔洛澳市有一个“笑展览馆”,那里陈列着二万多部世界上著名的幽默及讽刺作品。 笑电话:巴西电话局有一项专门播放笑话的服务,人们只要拨一个专用的电