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九届全国人大常委会第11次会议8月30日批准了国务院提交审议的增发600亿元长期国债用于增加固定资产投入和今年中央财政预算调整方案的议案。议案中说,1998年以来,为了抵御亚洲金融危机的冲击。党中央、国务院决定加强宏观调控,实施积极的财政政策,扩大国内需求,拉动经济增长。一年来,各地区、各部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院的战略决策,大力加强基础设施建设。积极促进外贸出口,稳步推进各项改革,使国民经济保持了稳定增长。但是,今年三四月份以来,国际国内形势又发生了一些新的重大变化,国内有效需求不足的矛盾尤为突出。集中表现在:外贸出口和外商直接投资下降,消费需求持续不振,固定资产投资增长放慢,物价连续下降的趋势继续发展。如果不及时采取有力措施,形势就会越来越严峻,1998年下半年以来经济回升的良好势头就可能发生逆转,国有企业改革和发展将面临更大的困难,财政增 The 11th meeting of the Ninth NPC Standing Committee approved the proposal submitted by the State Council for consideration on the issuance of long-term government bonds of 60 billion yuan for increasing the fixed assets investment and the plan for the central budget for this year on August 30. The motion said that since 1998, in order to withstand the impact of the Asian financial crisis. The Central Party Committee and the State Council decided to step up macroeconomic regulation and control, implement a proactive fiscal policy, expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth. In the past year, all localities and departments have conscientiously implemented the strategic decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and vigorously strengthened infrastructure construction. Actively promote the export of foreign trade, steadily promote various reforms, so that the national economy maintained a steady growth. However, since March-April this year, some major new changes have taken place in the international and domestic situations. The contradiction between the effective domestic demand and the demand is particularly prominent. Concentrated in: exports and foreign direct investment decline, consumer demand continued to slump, fixed asset investment growth slowed down, the continuous downward trend in prices continued to develop. If we do not take vigorous measures in time, the situation will become more and more severe. The good momentum of economic recovery since the second half of 1998 may be reversed and the reform and development of state-owned enterprises will face greater difficulties. Financial increase
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