提高认识 抓住机遇 广开招生渠道

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当前,由于受机构改革和企业产权制度改革的影响,加之经济状况的制约,刊授党校招生与其他成人教育招生工作一样,较往年相比,面临着生源短缺等实际问题,致使招生工作一度陷入低谷,仅以昌图县为例,今年第十一届大专班参考248人,比去年减少50%,是历年参考人数最少的一年。而达到录取分数线实际入学的人中,有近一半的人由于职工下岗等诸多原因,考上后而自动辞学。对此,我们针对昌图县生源的实际情况采取措施,抓住机遇,加大了理论班的招生力度。我们认为,刊授党校教育是加强新时期党的建设,培养和造就党员干部的基地。认真做好招生工作,是直接关系到促进昌图县社会发展的大事。由于对招生工作认识得高,所以,办法就多,在铁岭市学区办没有给我们下达理论班招生指标的情况下,第十一届理论班已招收了720人,加上在校学员,仍保持了千人分校的规模。在招生工作面临着困境的情况下,理论班的招生之所以能取得如此显著的成绩,主要是由于我们采取了以下措施: At present, due to the impact of institutional reform and the reform of the enterprise property right system, coupled with the constraints of the economic conditions, the enrollment of party schools, like other adult education enrollments, is facing a real shortage of students and other practical problems compared to previous years, , Only to Changtu County, for example, the eleventh college reference 248 this year, 50% less than last year, is the reference year with the fewest years. And to reach the admission score of the actual admission of people, nearly half of the workers laid off and many other reasons, after admission and automatic resignation. In response, we take measures for the actual situation of students in Changtu County, seize the opportunity and increase the enrollment of theoretical classes. We think that the education of party schools is the base for strengthening party building in the new period and for fostering and building party members and cadres. Conscientiously do a good job in enrollment is directly related to the promotion of Changtu County social development event. As the recognition of enrollment is high, so there are many ways. In Tieling City School District Office did not give us the theoretical class enrollment targets, the eleventh session of the theory class has been enrolled 720 people, together with the students in school is still Maintained the scale of one thousand branch. In the case of admissions difficulties, the reason why the enrollment of theory classes can achieve such remarkable results, mainly because we have taken the following measures:
目的探讨2型糖尿病肾病患者血清中视黄醇结合蛋白(RBP)、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、胱抑素C(Cys C)及尿微量白蛋白(m ALB)水平的变化在糖尿病肾病早期诊断中的应用价值。方法 189例
介绍润扬大桥高塔柱施工测量中的一些关键技术和手段 ,以及保证其测量质量的技术措施