Experimental investigation of aerodynamics of turbine blade trailing edge cooling

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sl604
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This paper presented an experimental investigation the effects of the trailing edge cooling on the aerodynamic performance. The experiments were conducted on the low-speed linear cascade tunnel at Northwestern Polytechnical University. The external aerodynamic characteristics in the 40 percent chord downstream of exit plane were measured using five-hole probe with the different ejection rates. The results showed that the total pressure loss coefficient at the middle spanwise plane increased at first and then it has a decreasing tendency with the increase of ejection ratio. The trailing edge cooling would influence the structure of the turbine cascade outlet flow field. When the ejection rate was 3%,the loss area near the blade endwall would become stronger,but it would become weaker with the 6% ejection ratio. On the whole,the trailing edge cooling had more influence on the profile loss than on the secondary loss. This paper presented an experimental investigation the effects of the trailing edge cooling on the aerodynamic performance. The experiments were conducted on the low-speed linear cascade tunnel at Northwestern Polytechnical University. The external aerodynamic characteristics in the 40 percent chord downstream of exit plane were measured using five-hole probe with the different ejection rates. The results showed that the total pressure loss coefficient at the middle spanwise plane increased at first and then it has a decreasing tendency with the increase of ejection ratio. The trailing edge cooling would influence the structure When the ejection area was 3%, the loss area near the blade endwall would become stronger, but it would become weaker with the 6% ejection ratio. On the whole, the trailing edge cooling had more influence on the profile loss than on the secondary loss.
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