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目的:了解已烯雌酚在鼻中隔穿孔上皮修复中的疗效。方法选择穿孔直径<1.0c m的鼻中隔穿孔患者30例随机分为2组,治疗组穿孔双侧缘周作1-2m m创口,用浸润已烯雌酚注射液的棉片贴敷,隔日1次,连续7~14d,观察局部黏膜修复情况;对照组采用0.9%氯化钠注射液棉片贴敷,方法同治疗组。结果治疗组15例患者全部愈合,穿孔症状随创面渐渐愈合而消失,2例鼻干燥主诉存在。随访6个月,未发现再穿孔者,无局部和全身不良反应;对照组15例患者有3例穿孔愈合,治愈率与治疗组比较差异有统计学意义p<0.01。结论已烯雌酚注射液在治疗穿孔<1.0c m的鼻中隔穿孔中,疗效确切,无明显手术创伤,操作及观察容易,价格低廉,无不良反应,作为一种非手术治疗鼻中隔穿孔的方法值得临床推广。“,”Objective: To evaluate the repairing effect of diethylstilbestrol injection in mucosa injury of nasal septum. Method Selected nasal septum perforation 30 cases were randomly divided into 2 groups, whose perforation diameter <1.0cm. In the treatment group, 15 cases with perforation of nasal septum were made about 1-2mm new wound surface around perforation, the cotton piece infiltrated by diethylstilbestrol injection was sticked directly to the surface of perforation, once every other day, for 7-14 days, to observe the repair of local mucosal. In the control group, sticking the surface of perforation with the cotton piece infiltrated by 0.9% sodium chloride injection, the method was same as the treatment group. Results In the treatment groups, 15 cases of perforation were cured, the symptoms disappear gradual y, 2 cases of nasal dryness complained of existence. There is no reperforation during fol ow-up six months, and without local and systemic adverse reactions; In the control group of 15 patients, there were 3 cases of perforation were healing, The cure rate of treatment group and control group had significant difference p<0.01.Conclusion The curative effect of diethylstilbestrol injection in the treatment of perforation of the nasal septum (perforation diameter<1.0cm) is definite, and the treatment no obvious operation trauma, operation and observation easily, low price, no adverse reaction, as a kind of non operation treatment for perforation of nasal septum is worthy of clinical application.
目的:探讨老年冠心病合并肾脏病患者行冠脉介入治疗对造影剂肾病的预防及护理,减少C I N的发生。方法回顾分析30例70岁以上老年冠心病合并肾脏病需行P C I术的患者,术前术后给予