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中共中央党校经济学教研部教授、博士生导师杨秋宝,曾主持完成国家社会科学基金项目、中央党校和省部级等科研项目多项,发表论文百余篇,出版《走出贫困的抉择》、《区域经济与发展战略》、《全面建设小康社会论》、《物质文明建设论》、《中国企业发展与改革》等著作。在中央党校承担省部级领导干部进修班、厅局级领导干部进修班等有关教学工作,为中共中央政治局集体学习的授课专家之一,曾为中央政治局集体学习讲授深化改革开放问题研究。2月13日,杨秋宝教授为中共湖南省烟草专卖局(公司)党组中心学习组作了宏观经济形势讲座,受到广泛好评。应本刊邀请,杨秋宝教授欣然撰写此文,这对我们了解和把握国家宏观经济形势,促进烟草行业持续协调共同发展很有裨益。为此,本刊将其《准确把握中国经济平稳增长的大势》一文作为新辟栏目《特别关注》的开篇之作,以飨读者。 Yang Qiu Bao, a professor and doctoral tutor at the Party School of Economics and Party School of the CPC Central Committee, has presided over a number of scientific research projects such as the National Social Science Fund Project, the Central Party School and provincial and ministerial level. He has published over 100 papers and published “Out of Poverty Choice” and “ Regional Economy and Development Strategy, ”“ Building a Well-off Society in an All-round Way, ”“ Material Civilization Construction Theory, ”and“ Enterprise Development and Reform in China. ” At the Central Party School to undertake the provincial and ministerial level leading cadre training class, leading cadres at the departmental level and other related teaching work for the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau collective learning one of the lectures, for the Central Political Bureau collective study and deepening the reform and opening up . On February 13, Professor Yang Qiubao gave a lecture on macroeconomic situation for the study group of the Central Party Committee of the Hunan Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (the Company), which received wide acclaim. At the invitation of this magazine, Professor Yang Qiu Bao is pleased to write this article. This is very helpful for us to understand and grasp the macroeconomic situation in our country and to promote the sustained, coordinated and common development of the tobacco industry. To this end, the magazine will be its “accurate grasp of the general trend of China’s steady economic growth,” a text as a new section of “special concern” for the opening to readers.
我出生于1930年,1947年农历三月廿三当的兵。刚参军,由于我们来自老区晋东南,领导们觉得老区人放心,就把我们这一个营做了首长的警卫营。我给陈赓做过卫士,但不是他的贴身警卫。见是经常见,就是话很少说。我先在陈赓警卫营二连,后来又在二十二旅六十六团二营六连,再后来又在二野十四军四十一师一二二团二营六连。  陈赓是一个敢想、敢说、敢做的人,也没有什么官架子。他衣着朴素,生活简单,不抽烟、不喝酒,只喜