
来源 :数学大世界(教学导向) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wysnl2009
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一、引言职业教育在我国教育体系中所占比重逐渐上升,起着越来越重要的作用。根据教育部发布的关于做好2012年中等职业学校招生工作的通知,2012年全国中等职业教育招生规模达到800万人,通知提出“面向人人、面向社会”的办学理念引导初中生以及未考入大学的高中生,以及退伍军人接受中等职业教育。数学教学是职业教育中的一项重要内容,而数学本身比较难学应用性不强,再加上学生的数学底子差等问题,数学学习容易被学生忽视。因此,教师积极开展数学活动课,结合学生实际情况改善数学教学方法,才能有效提高数学的教 I. INTRODUCTION Vocational education occupies a more and more important part in the education system in our country. According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Education on doing secondary vocational school enrollment in 2012, the enrollment size of secondary vocational education nationwide reached 8 million in 2012, notifying that the concept of running a school for all people and the society should guide junior middle school students and High school students who have not yet been admitted to university, and veterans receive secondary vocational education. Mathematics teaching is an important content in vocational education. Maths itself is difficult to learn and applicability is not strong, coupled with the poor mathematical foundation of students and other issues, mathematics learning is easily overlooked by students. Therefore, teachers actively carry out mathematics activities class, combined with the actual situation of students to improve mathematics teaching methods, can effectively improve the teaching of mathematics
近年来对中药紫河车(胎盘)的药理作用和药用价值多有报道,临床应用也更加广泛,现将其在妇科的临床应用情况介绍如下.rn1 来源及作用rn紫河车为胎儿之胎盘,又名人胞、混沌衣.
Objective: The aim of our study was to observe the anti-tumor effect of silencing the expression of HIF-1α on cervical cancer in nude mice and to explore its m
Objective: This study was to investigate whether PTEN mutations play a role in the carcinogenesis of soft tissue sarcomas (STS). Methods: Polymerase chain react