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任何产业的任何企业都应当制定适合自身发展的竞争战略,作为审计行业竞争主体的会计师事务所也不例外,文章旨在明确行业专门化是否是会计师事务所的一种有效竞争战略。利用波特竞争战略理论,文章探寻了审计市场结构特征,并在此基础上分析得出行业专门化是三种基本战略在审计市场上的具体体现,是一种有效的竞争战略。 Any enterprise in any industry should make a competitive strategy suitable for its own development. The accounting firm that is the subject of competition in the audit industry is no exception. The purpose of this article is to clarify whether industrial specialization is an effective competitive strategy for accounting firms. Using Porter competitive strategy theory, the article explores the audit market structure characteristics, and based on this analysis, it is concluded that the specialization of the industry is the concrete manifestation of the three basic strategies in the audit market and an effective competitive strategy.
The spatial matrix filter was designed and used for solving the problem to detect a weak target who was influenced by the strong nearby platform noise interfere
目的 观察复方丹参注射液治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)的疗效。方法在综合治疗的基础上应用复方丹参注射液治疗中、重度HIE 30例,并与单纯综合治疗组30例进行对照。结果 显
The adaptive learning and prediction of a highly nonlinear and time-varying bioreactor benchmark proc- ess is studied using NeurOn-Line, a graphical tool kit fo
1999年7月30日收治了30例食物中毒的儿童,对其所致的心电图改变和影响心电图的因素报告和分析如下。 1 资料和方法 1.1 研究对象 30例中男性18例、女性12例,年龄平均12.5(11
由于下游板材行业需求不佳,近期三聚氰胺价格继续下行。目前三聚氰胺出厂价大多为10 400—11 300元/t,比6月下旬下跌了400~500元/t,高的超过了600元/t,是今年以来下跌速度比
本发明提供了低使用量就可达到对多种微生物显著杀菌效果,而且对微生物所形成的黏泥附着也有抑制效果,同时其 The present invention provides a remarkably bactericidal e
动态心电图亦称DCG,近年来,在儿科应用逐渐增多,现将我院儿科1994年8月~1998年11月69例小儿心律失常的DCG监测分析与随访报道如下。 1 资料与方法 69例均经临床体检,ECG或DCG