
来源 :课程.教材.教法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzhong1983
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在梳理当前我国教师教育培养新模式的基础上,对它们进行了理性地检视,并从政府、学校两个层面,就深化我国教师教育培养模式的改革提出了如下建议:提高中小学教师资格的认定标准,建立规范成熟的中小学教师市场,出台相关配套政策,为新模式的运行提供制度支持;加强舆论引导,使学生看到选择教职,在当前激烈的人才竞争市场上仍有优势;以学科教学知识为理论支柱,推进学科专业教育与教师专业教育在分离的基础上走向融合;构建多元化的教师教育培养模式,提供多样化的教师教育选择。也是进一步深化我国教师教育培养模式改革的应有之义。 On the basis of combing the current new model of teacher education in our country, we rationally examine them and propose the following suggestions from the government and the school on deepening the reform of teacher education in our country: Standardize the establishment of standardized primary and secondary school teachers market, the introduction of relevant supporting policies for the operation of the new model to provide institutional support; strengthen public opinion guidance to enable students to see the choice of teaching staff in the current fierce competition in talent market is still an advantage; With subject teaching knowledge as the theoretical pillar, it promotes the integration of subject-specific education and teacher-professional education on the basis of separation; constructs a diversified model of teacher education and training, and provides diversified teacher education options. It is also necessary to further deepen the reform of teacher education and training mode in our country.
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本文主要针对电子商务在国际贸易中应用面临的法律问题进行研究。 This article mainly focuses on the legal issues facing the application of e-commerce in internatio