
来源 :农村实用工程技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyinan
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传统的温炕覆土育苗法,因受多种因素制约,很难达到适时一次栽植。河南省浚县农业局王玉明等研究出无土育苗和薯苗借植新技术,解决了这一问题。其做法是:早春在背风向阳处造一个不漏水的育苗池(池的大小根据育苗多少而定),将种薯消毒灭菌,尾部向下放入池内,再将营养液(用水和多种无机营养素配成)倒入育苗池中,营养液以淹没种薯1/3处为宜。采用此法不仅具有养分全、水分足、不需加温、管理方便等优点,而且苗齐苗壮、出苗多。从春到夏可剪16次苗,做到春夏两季都有苗用。传统温炕育苗,每亩 Traditional warm Kangding soil nursery method, due to a variety of factors, it is difficult to achieve timely planting. Wang Yuming County Bureau of Agriculture in Henan Province, such as Wang Yuming developed soilless seedlings and seedlings by planting new technology to solve this problem. The approach is: early spring in the lee sunny place to make a watertight nursery pool (the size of the pool according to how much nursery), the sterilized seed, the tail down into the pool, and then the nutrient solution (water and a variety of Inorganic nutrients dubbed) into the nursery pool, nutrient solution to submerge seed 1/3 is appropriate. Adopt this method not only has the full nutrition, adequate water, without heating, easy management, etc., and Miao Qi Zhuang, emergence and more. From spring to summer can cut 16 seedlings, so spring and summer have Miao use. Traditional warm Kang nursery, per acre
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