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中央全面深化改革领导小组第五次会议审议了《积极发展农民股份合作赋予集体资产股份权能改革试点方案》。习近平强调,积极发展农民股份合作、赋予集体资产股份权能改革试点的目标方向,是要探索赋予农民更多财产权利,明晰产权归属,完善各项权能,激活农村各类生产要素潜能,建立符合市场经济要求的农村集体经济运营新机制。搞好这项改革,一项重要基础工作是保障农民集体经济组织成员权利。要探索集体所有制有效实现形式,发展壮大集体经济。试点过程中,要防止侵吞农民利益,试点各项工作应严格 The fifth meeting of the leading group for comprehensively deepening the reform of the Central Government examined the Pilot Program for the Reform of the Rights and Interests of Collective Assets Awarded by Farmers in Stock Share Cooperative Development. Xi Jinping emphasized that the goal of actively developing peasants’ shareholding cooperation and granting the pilot reform of collective assets and stock rights is to explore more property rights granted to peasants, to clarify the ownership of property rights, to improve various abilities, to activate the potentialities of various production factors in rural areas, and to establish a market- Economic requirements of the new mechanism of rural collective economic operation. To do a good job of this reform, an important basic task is to protect the rights of peasant collective economic organizations. We must explore the effective realization of the form of collective ownership and develop and strengthen the collective economy. During the pilot project, it is necessary to prevent embezzlement of peasants’ interests and all work on the pilot program should be strictly conducted
目的 探讨化疗药物多西他赛在100例肿瘤患者化疗中的护理作用.方法 对2008-12~2010-11收治的100例肿瘤患者实施化疗前的心理疏导、化疗中的严密监护、化疗后不良反应的观察等
目的 观察中药“补发Ⅰ号方”对毛乳头细胞增殖和分泌血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)及其受体(VEGFR)、T细胞因子4(TCF4)和血管内皮细胞特异性生长因子Ephrin的影响.方法 运用CCK8法
夏末秋初的一天早晨,钻石收藏家黑山羊起床后,发现保险箱的门开着,里面的钻石不翼而飞了。这是一幢二层独楼,周围有一圈很高的围墙,围墙内有一圈竹林,既隐蔽又安静。大门是现代高科技防盗门,开关都由电脑控制,不知程序命令的人,根本无法打开。  侦探豌豆鹅和布老鼠将保险库与工作间都做了认真勘查,没有发现任何蛛丝马迹。他们又认真勘查了院落和大门内外,也没任何痕迹。豌豆鹅朝竹林走去,果然在小楼西北方的竹林里发现