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我国首次《管子》学术讨论会于1986年10月15日至20日在古齐国都城临淄的所在地山东省淄博市召开。来自九省市研究《管子》的近百名专家、学者参加了这次盛会。管仲是春秋时期辅佐齐桓公“九合诸侯,一匡天下”,成就霸业的著名政治家和军事家。托名管仲著的《管子》是一部古代综合性的学术巨著。它有丰富的哲学思想、经济思想、社会政治思想、法律思想、伦理思想、军事思想和自然科学思想。但是,《管子》历来号称难读,加上其他种种原因,学术界对它的 China's first “pipe” Symposium was held in Zibo, Shandong Province, from October 15 to October 20, 1986, in the ancient capital city of Linzi. Nearly 100 experts and scholars from “Nine Pipes” in nine provinces and cities participated in the event. Guan Zhong is the Spring and Autumn Period adjuvant Qi Huan Gong “Jiuhe princes, a Kuang world,” the dominance of the famous politicians and military strategists. The tube named “Guan Zi” is an ancient and comprehensive academic masterpiece. It has rich philosophical, economic, social and political, legal, ethical, military and natural science ideas. However, “pipe” has always been known as difficult to read, plus a variety of other reasons, the academic community to it
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根据病虫基数、作物长势、品种布局、气象条件等情况,结合历史资料,采用多种方法综合分析,预报小麦病虫害总的发生程度为中等偏重发生,预计总的发生面积1.8亿亩次。 Accordi