Leak-off behavior and water shut-off performance of a polymer/chromium (Cr3+) gel in fractured media

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenjun7575
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During gel treatments for fractures, the leak-off behavior of gelant has a great effect on the water shut-off performance of gel. Experiments were carried out using a polymer/chromium (Cr3+) gel system to explore the leak-off behavior and the water shut-off performance of gel in fractured media. Results of the gelant leak-off study show that the gelant leak-off from fracture into matrix contributes to the formation of the gelant leak-off layer during the gelant injection. Moreover, because of the gradual formation of the gelant leak-off layer along fracture, the initial leak-off ratio of gelant is relatively high, but it declines and finally levels off with the increase of the injection volume. The polymer concentration of gelant has a great effect on the chromium output in fluids produced from fractures. With the increase of the polymer concentration, the chromium concentration first decreases and then increases, and the leak-off depth of gelant into matrix is gradually reduced. Results of the water shut-off study present that the decrease of the chromium concentration inside the fracture greatly reduces the water shut-off performance after the gel formation. Therefore, because of the relatively high degree of chromium leak-off, enough injection volume of gelant is essential to ensure the sufficient chromium concentration inside the fracture and to further achieve a favorable water shut-off performance. On the premise of gel strength assurance inside the fracture, the water shut-off performance of gel gradually declines with the extension of the distance from the fracture inlet, and different leak-off degrees of gelant along the fracture are responsible for this phenomenon. Therefore, a proper degree of gelant leak-off contributes to enhancing the water shut-off performance of gel for fractures.
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