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《作为一名机关干部,读书看报自然是生活中的一件趣事,但每每拿起笔来写写生活中的一些感知感悟给报纸杂志投稿时,常因找不到突破口或摸不准报道主题而徒劳无功。偶尔凭一时的热情写出的稿件也因选题大而空、叙述杂而乱、内容陈旧,没有针对性和时效性,寄出后便没有了音讯。犹豫 "As an organ cadre, reading a book is naturally a fascinating thing in life, but often pick up the pen to write some of the perception of life in the newspaper and magazine submissions, often can not find a breakthrough or not allowed to report the topic In vain. Occasionally by virtue of temporary enthusiasm for the manuscript also due to the selection of large and empty, miscellaneous and disorderly narrative, outdated content, there is no pertinence and timeliness, no audio after sending. Hesitate
【正】 On April 5th,2009 Jilin Connel Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd,(Jilin Connel) commencedproduction of 150 000 t/a aniline project in Jilin Economic-Technologica
Suntech Power Holdings Co.,Ltd.(NYSE:STP)announced July 22nd that Suntech hasrecently entered into a strategic agreementwith China Huadian New Energy Develop-m
第一章 总 则 第一条 为了规范公证行为,发挥公证的证明、服务、沟通、监督作用,预防和减少纠纷,维护国家利益和公民、法人及其他组织的合法权益,根据国家有关法律、法规的
【正】 Since the inorganic fluoride chemicals indus-try sprang up in the 1930’s,its product vari-ety has been on the increase,and the fields ofapplications kee
第一条(目的和依据)为了加强本市黄浦江防汛墙的保护管理,保障防汛安全,根据《中华人民共和国防汛条例》和《上海市实施〈中华人民共和国水法〉办 Article 1 (Purpose and
Shanxi Antai Group Co.,Ltd.(SH:600408)said on April 19thits board has approved a private share placement plan to issueup to 200 million RMB-denominated A share