
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaircat
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目的:优选适宜山药产地初加工与炮制生产各个环节的具体技术参数,并明确其中两个最关键技术环节。方法:以尿囊素、总多糖、总灰分、二氧化硫残留量等为综合评价指标,运用正交设计分别考察山药清洗、去皮、干燥-浸润、硫熏、切片、干燥等各个环节的工艺参数。运用星点设计考察其中2种最重要环节的工艺参数。结果:正交设计确定各环节具体参数如下:采用水洗后去皮;干燥-浸润环节:药材于105℃烘箱中干燥1 h,再于6倍量水浸泡4 h;硫熏环节:药材于密闭容器中用120 g·m~(-3)用量硫磺熏蒸1 h;切片-干燥环节:药材切制成2~4 mm厚度饮片,于烘箱中80℃鼓风干燥2 h。确定2种最重要工艺环节为浸润时间和硫熏过程硫磺用量。星点设计进一步确定工艺参数为:取山药药材,去毛,清洗后去皮,于烘箱中105℃干燥1 h,取出,于6倍量水中浸润3~6 h,取出,晾干,用112~140 g·m~(-3)量硫磺熏蒸1 h,摊晾,最后,切成2~4 mm厚饮片,于烘箱中80℃鼓风干燥2 h,即得。二项式方程为:Y=0.618+0.034 9 X_1+0.074 7 X_2-0.048 6 X_1X_1-0.226 X_2X_2+0.006 5 X_1X_2(R-Sq=0.953),放大实验验证结果偏差均小于3%。结论:本研究筛选出山药产地初加工、炮制最佳工艺参数,明确加工侧重点,合理分配各环节工作量,能最大限度保证山药的质量。 Objective: To optimize the specific technical parameters suitable for primary processing and processing of yam origin and to identify two of the most crucial technical aspects. Methods: With allantoin, total polysaccharides, total ash, sulfur dioxide residues as the comprehensive evaluation index, orthogonal design was used to study the process parameters of yam cleaning, peeling, drying - infiltration, sulfur smoked, slicing, . The use of star design to examine the two most important part of the process parameters. Results: Orthogonal design to determine the specific parameters of the various sections are as follows: After washing with peeled; Drying - infiltration: herbs dried in an oven at 105 ℃ 1 h, then 6 times the amount of water soak 4 h; Sulfur smoked links: herbs in airtight Fumigation with sulfur in the amount of 120 g · m ~ (-3) in the container for 1 h. Slice-drying section: The medicinal materials were cut into 2 ~ 4 mm thick pieces and dried in an oven at 80 ° C for 2 h. Determine the two most important part of the process of infiltration time and the amount of sulfur sulfur smoked process. Star design to further determine the process parameters: take yam herbs, to the hair, after washing peeled, dried in an oven at 105 ℃ 1 h, remove, 6 times the amount of water infiltration 3 ~ 6 h, remove and dry, with 112 ~ 140 g · m ~ (-3) sulfur fumigation 1 h, spread dry, and finally cut into 2 ~ 4 mm thick pieces, dried in an oven at 80 ℃ 2 h, that is, too. The binomial equation is: Y = 0.618 + 0.034 9 X_1 + 0.074 7 X_2-0.048 6 X_1X_1-0.226 X_2X_2 + 0.006 5 X_1X_2 (R-Sq = 0.953). The deviation of the experimental results of the amplification is less than 3%. Conclusion: This study screened yam origin processing, processing the best process parameters, a clear focus of processing, reasonable allocation of the workload of each link, to ensure the best yam quality.
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