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  1. What does the man usually do on Sundays?
  A. He often does some reading.
  B. He often goes shopping.
  C. He often goes swimming.
  2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Boss and employee.
  B. Salesman and customer.
  C. Friends.
  3. How much will the man spend?
  A. $34.B. $44.C. $68.
  4. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. In a restaurant.
  B. In a museum.
  C. In a theatre.
  5. Why is the climate getting warmer?
  A. The sun’s heat is getting stronger and stronger.
  B. The ice at the Poles is beginning to melt.
  C. Pollution is stopping the sun’s heat leaving the atmosphere.
  6. What did Jack say?
  A. He wouldn’t come here.
  B. He would come here later.
  C. He would talk to his parents.
  7. Why doesn’t Jenny come here?
  A. Her daughter is ill.
  B. She is ill.
  C. She will meet her parents.
  8. Where do the foreign teachers come from?
  A. Britain.
  B. Australia.
  C. America.
  9. What do the foreign teachers teach?
  A. English writing.
  B. Spoken English.
  C. Grammar.
  10. How does the woman like the foreign teachers?
  A. Humorous.
  B. Serious.
  C. Friendly.
  11. Which novel is the man reading?
  A. Great Expectations.
  B. Oliver Twist.
  C. David Copperfield.
  12. What does the woman think of Dickens’novels?
  A. Difficult.
  B. Boring.
  C. Interesting.
  13. What does Pip think is more important in the end?
  A. Wealth.
  B. Education.
  C. Friends.
  14. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. The mid-term tests.
  B. A kind of comedy.
  C. Superstars.
  15. What will the speakers do this evening?
  A. Have a test.
  B. Go to the theatre.   C. Act in a play.
  16. What can we know from the conversation?
  A. The man failed the mid-term tests.
  B. The woman comes from China.
  C. The man doesn’t know stand-up performances.
  17. What does the speaker’s uncle do?
  A. A teacher.
  B. A manager.
  C. A clerk.
  18. What does the speaker’s uncle usually eat at noon?
  A. Rice.B. Bread.C. Noodles.
  19. Why are all the clerks in the company working hard?
  A. Their manager is very strict with them.
  B. They want to gain promotion.
  C. They want to be paid more.
  20. How does the speaker’s uncle feel when he comes home from work?
  A. Angry.B. Excited.C. Tired.
  The exhibit
  Reiman Gardens will feature 10, larger-than-life sea creature sculptures made from trash collected from beaches to graphically illustrate the tragedy of the pollution in our oceans and waterways. Clean water is important to all life, and Reiman Gardens is the first public garden to bring you this message of conservation, protection and recycling through these original, inventive and imaginative garbage-to-art sculptures. The exhibit will run April 29-October 31, 2017.
  Marine debris is a planet-wide problem. Approximately 300 million pounds of plastic is produced globally each year and less than 10% of that is recycled. Much of it ends up in the ocean. This exhibit is a wake-up call for all of us, whether we live near the ocean or in the heart of the midwest. We are all effected by water pollution, not only from trash that is thrown into the oceans, but also into our own Iowa rivers and streams.
  Reiman Gardens will be the first public gardens in the entire country to host this colorful, garbage-to-art exhibit, joining the ranks of the Smithsonian, National Zoo, Denver Zoo, Sea World Parks, the San Francisco Zoo and more!
  Click here to download an informational PDF.
  21. According to the passage, which of the follow-ing is true?
  A. Most of the plastic trash is recycled.
  B. The exhibition will last for one year.
  C. Most of the people are affected by water pollution.
  D. Before Reiman Gardens, some gardens have tried to convey the message to the public.
  22. What is the purpose of the exhibition of Reiman Gardens?   A. To make people realize the seriousness of water pollution.
  B. To call on more zoos to join in the activity.
  C. To tell people clean water is important to all life.
  D. To provide people with the knowledge of Marine debris.
  23. What is the passage probably from?
  A. A magazine.
  B. A advertisement.
  C. A website
  D. A brochure.
  The Christmas of 1949 we didn’t have a tree. My dad had as much pride as anybody, I suppose, so he wouldn’t just say that we couldn’t afford one. When I mentioned it, my mother said that we weren’t going to have one this year, that we couldn’t afford one, and even if we could it was stupid to mess up your house with a dead tree. I wanted a tree badly though, and I thought if we had one, everybody would feel better.
  About three days before Christmas, I was out collecting for my paper route. It was fairly late long after dark it was snowing and very cold.
  I went to the apartment building to try to catch a customer who hadn’t paid me for nearly two months she owed me seven dollars. Much to my surprise, she was home. She invited me in and not only did she pay me, she gave me a dollar tip!
  What happened next was totally unplanned. On the way home, I walked past a Christmas tree lot and the idea hit me. The selection wasn’t very good because it was so close to the holiday, but there was this one real nice tree. It had been a very expensive tree and no one had bought it; now it was so close to Christmas that the man was afraid no one would.
  He wanted ten dollars for it, but when I—in my gullible innocence—told him I only had eight, he said he might sell it for that. I really didn’t want to spend the whole eight dollars on the tree, but it was so pretty that I finally agreed.
  I dragged it all the way home—about a mile, I think—and I tried hard not to damage it. The snow helped to cushion it, and it was still in pretty good shape when I got home. My heart was bursting as I announced that I had a surprise.
  “Where did you get that tree?”my mother exclaimed. But it wasn’t the kind of exclamation that indicates pleasure. She said that I was going to end up in the poorhouse because I believe in stupid things like Christmas trees, things that didn’t amount to anything. I just stood there. My mother had never talked to me like that before and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
  24. Why did the writer’s mother refuse a tree?   A. Because she couldn’t afford a dead Christmas tree.
  B. Because she thought it was ridiculous to have a tree.
  C. Because she was much so proud that she felt better.
  D. Because she thought it wasn’t very proud of herself.
  25. How did the writer feel when he got home?
  A. upset and calm.
  B. anxious and happy.
  C. proud and excited.
  D. sorry and confused.
  26. What made the shop owner sell the tree?
  A. His pity on the writer’s situation.
  B. His desire of offering help.
  C. His worry of keeping the tree.
  D. His kindness of helping others.
  27. What the writer’s mother said in last paragraph means.
  A. she was pleased
  B. she was angry
  C. she was doubtful
  D. she was embarrassed
  A sea turtle named Herman, an octopus called Octavia, and a seal named Lidia all spent this summer at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. But unlike the zoo’s other residents, they are not real animals. These creatures are actually huge sculptures -and they’re made entirely out of plastic trash from the ocean.
  These giant artworks, along with 14 others, are part of a traveling exhibit called“Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea.”The Washed Ashore project, led by artist Angela Haseltine Pozzi, works to raise aware原ness about the problem of plastic pollution in Earth’s oceans.
  More than 315 billion pounds of plastic litter the world’s oceans today, according to the National Zoo. Most of this plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches. Rainwater,winds, and high tides bring the trash into the ocean or into rivers that lead to the ocean. Once it is under the waves, the plastic begins to break up into smaller and smaller pieces. It often collects in spots called garbage patches, which spread over large areas of the ocean.
  Thousands of marine(having to do with the ocean)animals—including whales, sea turtles, and fish—die each year from eating or getting tangled in plastic bags and other items. Plastic pieces can also injure coral and kill sea grass. Each year, millions more pounds of plastic end up in the ocean. A recent study by the World Economic Forum and Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that if that continues, by 2050 the total weight of plastic in the ocean will be more than the combined weight of all the fish in the ocean.
  Washed Ashore and other organizations are working to stop that from happening. Since 2010, Washed Ashore volunteers have collected 38,000 pounds of plastic trash from more than 300 miles of beaches. They helped Pozzi create more than 60 sculptures of marine creatures that are harmed by plastic pollution.   The artworks on display at the National Zoo include a 20-foot-long coral reef, a 12-foot-long shark, and a 16-foot-long parrot fish. Each one is made from hundreds of pieces of trash like water bottles, flip-flops, and sunglasses. The sculpture of an Atlantic blue marlin, a fish, even includes a toilet seat.
  “These sculptures are a powerful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity on land and in the sea,”says Dennis Kelly,director of the National Zoo. The“Washed Ashore”exhibit will be at the National Zoo through September 5. It will open next at the Denver Zoo in Colorado on September 24.
  28. Why is Angela exhibiting her sculptured animals?
  A. To prove her talent in sculpture.
  B. To attract most visitors to the zoo.
  C. To care about the plastic pollution in seas.
  D. To teach the people the use of plastic.
  29. What is stressed in paragraph 3 according to the text?
  A. Why plastic is difficult to break up.
  B. What problems plastic litter causes.
  C. Where plastic pieces go at last.
  D. How garbage patches are formed.
  30. What are Washed Ashore volunteers doing?
  A. Collecting pollution trash from the beaches.
  B. Turning trash from the ocean into art.
  C. Raising 38,000 pounds for plastic pollution.
  D. Surveying the data of plastic litter in oceans.
  31. Which of the following best describe Dennis Kelly’s attitude to Pozzi’s sculptures?
  A. Doubtful
  B. Supportive
  C. Negative
  D. Indifferent
  The DNA3 in question, the FAAH gene, makes a protein that affects feelings of pleasure and pain. People with a particular version 4 of it tend to be cheerier souls. It seems that happiness is in your genes, according to a research that shows the more people in a country who have a particular gene, the happier the nation will be. The FAAH gene, the DNA in question, makes a protein that affects feelings of pleasure and pain. People with a particular version of it tend to be cheerier souls.
  However, wealth and health were found to have lit-tle effect on happiness. The researchers said the find could help explain why some of the world’s poorest nations are also the happiest. The researchers believe that the finding can help explain why some of the world’s poorest nations are also the happiest. The team from Bulgaria looked at whether there was a connection between the level of the FAAH gene in a population and the number of people who said they were very happy in the global study of life satisfaction. Sweden, one of the happiest countries in Europe and in the world, has lots of happy DNA. Some 26.3 percent of Swedes have the happiness gene, compared to 23 percent of the British, 21 percent of the French and 20 percent of Germans. The happiness gene is even rarer in southern Europe, where it is found in 18 percent of Greeks and just 12 percent of Italians. In contrast, the people in Iraq and Jordan are among the least likely to rate themselves as very happy and also have the lowest levels of the gene.   But the gene and optimism don’t always go hand in hand. For instance, Russians score very low on happiness, despite having the right DNA, the Journal of Happiness Studies reports. Climatic differences are also found to be closely associated with national differences in happiness.
  Study co-author Michael Minkov said,“We can notice the high occurrence of the gene in hot and tropical environments in South America and Africa, and the lower occurrence of it around the Mediterranean Sea than in Northern Europe.”
  32. Why are some poorest nations the happiest in the world?
  A. Because they have great wealth.
  B. Because they have a lot of special genes.
  C. Because they are all very healthy
  D. Because they often fight with each other.
  33. Which of the following has the most happy DNA?
  A. ChineseB. Swedes
  C. The FrenchD. Germans
  34. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
  A. Climatic differences also bring about differences in happiness.
  B. The gene and happiness never go hand in hand together.
  C. The water in the sea often makes people happier and happier.
  D. The tropical environment is able to make people less happy.
  35. The best title for the text is.
  A. Researches on Genetic Science
  B. The Happiest Countries
  C. Reasons for National Differences
  D. Factors to Affect Happiness
  Imagine you had a few difficult years—your mother died, you lost your job and had to start over. You were sick for a while and as a result your econo原my isn’t the greatest. Because of all the barriers you’ve been through, having to put out fires as opposed to doing what you love, you also don’t feel like you’re living life to the full. Yet.36Because, of course, you’ve decided to look up and move forward. 37Sometimes it’s like Pandora’s box in the events department, and even if some things go right, it seems like a lot of big things go wrong.
  Which, of course, affects us. We will need time off to rest and heal, or possibly go somewhere new to get a different viewpoint on things. We might have periods before that when we’re miserable because we don’t figure it all out at first. 38 The issue lies in that some people blame themselves for it, or get stuck in a negative state of mind because of it, or simply lose their confidence.
  You’re not a disaster because something bad happened and you were temporarily crushed by it—the important thing is that you’re standing up again. 39 You can say: These past three years have been like a storm and I was about as prepared for it as I would have been if some aliens just walked in the door.40It humbles you. It teaches you what you have to be grateful for.   A. It is important to take the occasional step back.
  B. You’re just steadily working your way up.
  C. It’s normal.
  D. These were people who not only looked adver-sity in the face but learned valuable lessons.
  E. How you think of yourself in this situation and, thus, how you present yourself, is crucial.
  F. Truth is, we all have rough paths in life.
  G. Ihad tolearntodealwith somanynewsituations.
  There are two things I can count on my dad asking every time he calls me:“Is there anything I can do for you?”and“How’s the car?”I guess he asks what he can do for me because his dad(an air force officer)was never really there for him, and he’s 41 to provide me with the support he42 . During my youth he never missed a school play or softball game. In fact, he was so supportive that I sometimes longed for one of those dads who dressed better and cared less. 43 , my dad would forever be there, 44 me on in every game I played.
  His other standard question—How’s the car?—used to strike me as a45of long-distance dollars from a man who once suggested making a list of what you want to talk about before calling someone out of state. What I now 46 is that“How’s the car?”is not about the car. It’s a father’s 47 of asking his adult daughter how she is doing. The advantage is that if there’s something 48 with the car, he knows what to do about it and how much it will cost,49 if you’re having problems about marriage or doubting a career choice, he might have to act mom on the 50 .
  At age thirty I finally took the plunge(跳進)into adulthood by renting a car without 51 my dad’s help or advice. I’m sure my dad was hurt rather than 52 . Though a daughter’s independence is53of a job well done, it still implies the job’s done, and many fathers are 54 to retire. Even when my dad was overworked, he’d 55 jump on a plane if I said I needed help. His 56 question“Is there anything I can do for you?”57 the fact that he wishes there was still some thing he could58 . It’s interesting: Even though we’re tied by blood and I love him no matter what, he 59seems to need a concrete function—suggesting stocks, finding the cheapest plane fare—to feel he has a 60 in my life.
  41. A. forcedB. inspired C. forbiddenD. determined
  42. A. lackedB. discovered C. hatedD. earned
  43. A. howeverB. besides C. otherwiseD. therefore   44. A. takingB. cheering C. hurryingD. coming
  45. A. wasteB. taste C. problemD. need
  46. A. realizeB. consider C. guessD. suspect
  47. A. favorB. desire C. designD. way
  48. A. specialB. strange C. wrongD. funny
  49. A. soB. otherwise C. insteadD. while
  50. A. wayB. line C. tableD. request
  51. A. givingB. ignoring C. questioningD. seeking
  52. A. excitedB. surprised C. proudD. calm
  53. A. pleasureB. evidence C. stageD. motivation
  54. A. impatientB. eager C. particularD. unwilling
  55. A. gratefullyB. happily C. confidentlyD. cautiously
  56. A. frequentB. annoying C. casualD. modest
  57. A. promisesB. suggests C. recognizesD. reminds
  58. A. sacrificeB. provide C. improveD. achieve
  59. A. stillB. also C. thusD. even
  60. A. chanceB. role C. giftD. goal
  While 61(wake)up to a fresh blanket of snow is lovely and magical, we all know the real question at hand: Is school canceled or not? And62you’re rooting for a yes or a no, the answer has a lot to do with 63 you live. Of course, some areas’facilities are 64(good)equipped to deal with snow than others, and the decision to shut down typically depends more on safety than residents’65(willing)to do a bit of shoveling.
  Nonetheless, if you’d like to see how resilient(适应性强的)your area is in 66 face of snow, Reditter 67(create)an amazing visual using data taken from“hundreds of various points from user 68(respond). He also invited Reditters 69(submit)their own data andcorrections,solongastheyprovideda“70(proper)specific location.”
  As a child, I am so lucky. I don’t need to worry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to wear. I am very happy that I have no idea how to treasure all these things. I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a little for one dish and then throw them away, because I have many choice. But the other day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It was about some Africa children are suffering starvation. They are not only having no food to eat and having little water to drink. Seen their longing eyes, I felt guilt. I was regretful about wasting food. How could I waste so much rare food? From now on, I will try my best to save food, and do nothing for them.   第二節书面表达(满分25分)
  1-5 AACAC
  6-10 BACBA
  11-15 AACBB
  16-20 CCBAC
  21-25 CACBC
  26-30 CBCDA
  31-35 BBBAD
  36-40 BFCEG
  41-45 DAABA
  46-50 ADCDB
  51-55 DCBDB
  56-60 ABBAB
  61. waking
  62. whether
  63. where
  64. better
  65. unwillingness
  66. the
  67. created
  68. responses
  69. to submit
  70. properly
  In recent years, learning Chinese has become popular among people around the world, with the rapid development of economy in China. According to the official report in the last year, there are about 3000 high school in 109 countries offer a course on Chinese.
  There are many reasons why more and more people are crazy about learning Chinese. Firstly, as the improvement of the Chinese economy, learning Chinese will facilitate the economic trade contact and enhance the friendship with other countries.
  Secondly, many experts focus on ancient Chinese literature for Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Learning Chinese has become a necessary tool for them. Thirdly, due to the plenty of natural landscapes and sceneries of humanities in China, a lot of foreign tourists start to travel in China, showing great interests in learning Chinese.
  In addition, several Confucius Institutes have been established in many countries these years by Chinese government more and more foreign students have the access to understand Chinese language culture, which provides an important platform for culture exchange. With the changes of China’s internal standing and influence, we not only let the world know more of China, but also need to know more about the rest of world.
  As we all know, learning Chinese is gaining more and more popularity among the people in the whole world. It can’t take away from people who are fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world. With join efforts, I am sure China will have a better tomorrow.
上海世博会首批4艘新型客渡船近期抵达世博园区交船并进行试航。据介绍,上海市西渡船厂共承接了22艘世博新型客渡船的建造任 Shanghai World Expo will be the first batch