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多媒体音箱是电脑上的重要部件,随着电脑系统的同质化倾向越来越强烈,带有强烈个性色彩的多媒体音箱逐渐成为电脑用户表现个性的主要途径之一。近几年来,我国在多媒体音箱的生产和设计上都有了非常大的进步,特别是在多媒体音箱的设计上,引入Hi-Fi设计理念的产品不断涌现。但是, Multimedia speakers are an important part of the computer. With the homogenization tendency of the computer system becoming more and more intense, multimedia speakers with a strong individuality have gradually become one of the main ways for the computer users to express individuality. In recent years, China has made great strides in the production and design of multimedia speakers. Especially in the design of multimedia speakers, the introduction of Hi-Fi design concepts continues to emerge. but,
The copper(II) diethyldithiocarbamate (Cu(DDC)2) complex exhibited excellent inhibition to cancer cells.The usual administration is intravenous injection for di
Belkin语音录音器 用贝尔金的录音器配合iPod,在值得记忆的时刻用语言录下自己的感受这真是太棒了!不但如此.您还可以记录备忘事宜.演讲.面试或日常交谈。而iPod超大的存储
1.第三者责任险必须投保,是《公路法》规定的强制保险。在验车、新车领牌照方面都要被检验是否投保第三者责任险。其它险种自愿投保。 2.全车盗抢险、车载货物掉落责任险、
研究微尺度海拔梯度土壤酶活性与化学计量学比值的动态变化及驱动因素对于探讨生态系统养分循环过程具有重要意义。该研究以秦岭太白山6个海拔(分别为1 308、1 403、1 503、1 603、1 694和1 803m)的锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)林作为研究对象,测定锐齿栎叶片、凋落物、细根和土壤的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量以及碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、
Selenization of Fe2O3 with NaHSe led to Se/Fe3O4. The unexpected generation of Fe3O4 attributed to the reduction conditions of the reaction, and the resulted ma
Multifunctional bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3) nanomaterials exhibit significant potential as nanomedicines for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. These nanomateri
虽然同样是一台硬盘式的MP3播放机。但是爱可视Gmini220在外观方面没有苹果iPod那么经典,也没有 iRiver iHP-120那么另类,它所追求的是一种朴实无华的外观风格和功能设计理念