紧密结合军队实际 抓好《纲要》贯彻落实

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最近,中共中央印发了中央宣传部拟定的《爱国主义教育实施纲要》。抓好这个《纲要》的贯彻落实,对于军队进一步搞好思想政治建设,具有重要的指导意义。 中国人民解放军是中国共产党领导下的人民军队,担负着保卫祖国、建设祖国的神圣使命,必须把爱国主义教育摆在思想政治建设的重要位置。自古以来,军队总是同国家安危、民族兴衰紧密联系在一起的。为抗击外敌入侵、维护祖国的主权和统一,“志士不忘在沟壑,勇士不忘丧其元”,“感时忠报国,拔剑起蒿莱”,这是中华民族源远流长的爱国主义传统。我们这支无产阶级的新型军队,是中国历史上最先进、最伟大的爱国武装集团,高度的爱国主义精神,一直是激励全军官兵为中华民族的独立、自主、繁荣和昌盛,出生入死,前赴后继,英勇奋 Recently, the CPC Central Committee issued the “Outline for the Implementation of Patriotism Education” formulated by the Central Propaganda Department. To do a good job of implementing this “Outline” is of great guiding significance for the army to further improve its ideological and political construction. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, a people’s army under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, shoulders the sacred mission of defending the motherland and building the motherland. We must place patriotism education in an important position in ideological and political construction. Since ancient times, the military has always been closely linked with the nation’s national security and the rise and fall of the nation. In order to combat invasion by foreign enemies and safeguard the sovereignty and reunification of the motherland, “the clergy does not forget that in the gully, the warriors do not forget their morale,” “when they are loyal to the country and pull their swords, they play a major role in patriotism.” This is a long tradition of patriotism of the Chinese nation. Our new proletarian army is the most advanced and the greatest patriotic armed group in Chinese history. With a high degree of patriotism, we have always been encouraging the officers and soldiers of the entire army to become independent, independent, prosperous and prosperous of the Chinese nation. , Heroic and excited
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Chinese had the opportunity to learn more about South Africa during the Year of South Africa observed in China in 2014.Now South Africans have the chance to bet