
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crylion
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目的分析2011-2012年无锡市城区登记的肺结核患者的耐药情况和相关因素。方法 2011-2012年无锡市城区结核病防治机构登记的所有初治和复治肺结核患者,对痰结核菌培养阳性的标本进行一线抗结核药物(异烟肼,利福平,链霉素,乙胺丁醇)体外敏感试验,分析耐药结果。将患者性别、既往化疗史、糖尿病与肺结核耐药发生的关系用非条件Logistic多因素回归分析。将患者的年龄分布与肺结核耐药发生的关系用非条件Logistic单因素分析。结果2011-2012年无锡市城区共登记痰培养阳性的肺结核患者总耐药率14.9%,耐多药率4.7%,原发性耐药率11.5%,原发性耐多药率2.5%,获得性耐药率26.8%,获得性耐多药率13.4%。对一线抗结核药物的耐药顺位依次是:利福平,链霉素,异烟肼,乙胺丁醇。既往结核病治疗史患者发生耐药的危险约是无结核病治疗史患者的3.5倍,70岁以上的老年患者比低年龄患者更易产生耐药(OR=1.191)。结论本地区耐药结核病的流行处于国内较低水平。但是耐多药率,尤其是获得性耐多药率仍处于较高水平,利福平耐药是本地区一线抗结核药物耐药首位,既往结核病治疗史是产生结核病耐药的高危因素,老年结核病的防治重点是增加患者治疗的依从性,减少结核病耐药的发生 Objective To analyze the drug resistance and related factors of pulmonary tuberculosis registered in Wuxi city from 2011 to 2012. Methods All patients with newly diagnosed and retreatment pulmonary tuberculosis registered in Wuxi City TB Hospital from 2011 to 2012 were tested for first-line anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, rifampin, streptomycin, ethylamine Butanol) in vitro sensitivity test, analysis of drug resistance results. The relationship between patient’s sex, previous chemotherapy history, diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis drug resistance was analyzed by non-conditional Logistic multivariate regression analysis. The age distribution of patients and the relationship between tuberculosis drug resistance with unconditional Logistic univariate analysis. Results From 2011 to 2012, total sputum-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients registered sputum culture positive rate was 14.9%, resistance rate was 4.7%, primary drug resistance rate was 11.5% and primary MDR rate was 2.5% The rate of sexual resistance was 26.8% and acquired multidrug resistance rate was 13.4%. Resistance to first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs followed by cisplatin, streptomycin, isoniazid, ethambutol. In the past, the risk of drug resistance in patients with previous TB treatment was about 3.5 times higher than that in patients without TB treatment. Elderly patients over 70 years of age were more likely to develop resistance than those in younger patients (OR = 1.191). Conclusions The epidemic of drug-resistant TB in the region is at a low level in China. However, the multi-drug resistance rate, especially the multidrug-resistant rate, is still at a high level. Rifampicin resistance is the first drug resistance in frontline TB medicine in the region. Previous TB treatment history is a high risk factor for tuberculosis drug resistance. Elderly The focus of prevention and treatment of tuberculosis is to increase patient compliance with treatment and reduce the occurrence of tuberculosis drug resistance