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自古就有“独在异乡为异客”的说法。采访朱孝明代表时,正值新千年春节前夕,长春市的大街小巷到处弥漫着浓浓的年味。此时,记者在暗想:这位远离江苏老家的朱代表,现在一定是归心似箭吧?然而,朱孝明的开场白竟让人出乎意料,“其实,从我在长春投资兴业的那天起,我就爱上了这块热土。当选市人大代表后,我更觉得自己是这里的主人。”朱孝明告诉记者,他要利用春节期间,联系其他代表对长春市的非公有制经济状况进行调研,为以后的小组活动作前期准备。近年来,长春市的经济发展步入了快车道,一片片新的城区如雨后春笋般崛起。与此同时,城市区 Since ancient times, there are “alone in a foreign land as a stranger ” argument. When interviewing Representative Zhu Xiaoming, on the eve of the Spring Festival in the new millennium, the streets and lanes of Changchun are filled with rich year-long flavors. At this point, the reporter wondered: This is far away from the hometown of Jiangsu, Zhu representatives, and now it must be at heart? However, Chu Xiao-ming’s opening actually unexpected, “In fact, the day I venture in Changchun When I was elected to the Municipal People’s Congress, I even felt I was the master here. ”Mr Chu told reporters that he would like to use during the Spring Festival to contact other representatives about the non-public ownership of the economy in Changchun Conduct research to prepare for future group activities. In recent years, Changchun’s economic development has entered a fast lane, a piece of new urban areas have mushroomed. At the same time, urban areas
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