
来源 :现代远距离教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helen_shen
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农村成人教育是农村教育的重要组成部分,它在实施“燎原计划”中有着重要作用。由于成人教育具有与其它教育不尽相同的模式,改革与发展农村成人教育应遵循以下几条原则: 一是相互连接性原则。从整体上说,农村教育包括两大部分,职前教育和职后教育,二者是一个整体。没有职前教育的存在和发展,职后教育即成人教育就无从谈起。这种相互沟通、相互连接的特点,决定了成人教育必须与其它教育沟通和连接。根据几年来的实践探索,形式可以是多样的。主要有两种:一种是实体性联合,即县办的各种成人学校合为一体,挂一个或几个牌子,人员既明确分工,又相互配合,仪器设备统一安排使用。它的好处是解决了 Adult education in rural areas is an important part of rural education and plays an important role in the implementation of the Prairie Fire Plan. Because adult education has different modes from other education, the following principles should be followed in the reform and development of rural adult education: First, the principle of interconnectivity. On the whole, rural education consists of two parts, pre-service education and post-employment education, and the two are a whole. Without the existence and development of pre-service education, post-secondary education, that is, adult education, can not be mentioned. This mutual communication, interconnected features, adult education must determine the other education and connectivity. Based on years of practical exploration, the forms can be varied. There are mainly two kinds: one is the physical combination, that is, the county-run adult schools are integrated into one or several brands, and personnel not only have a clear division of labor but also cooperate with each other to make unified arrangements for the use of equipment and instruments. Its benefits are solved
思想政治教育社会化是一个系统,它包括指导思想的社会化、内容的社会化、途径和 方法的社会化。思想政治教育的社会化是我国实现现代化的生命线,是解决我国目前存 在的政治信仰
近年来不少报道提出,检测病毒性肝炎患者体内锌、铜含量有一定的临床意义。HBV标志物是临床上乙肝诊断和转归判断的重要依据之一。为探讨人体感染HBV 后,不同标志物的出现与