励精图治 抒写和谐发展新乐章——青川县沙洲镇经济社会事业发展成就纪实

来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pn526
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沙州镇位于青川县东部,全镇辖11个村、2个社区,有121个村(居)民小组,总人口13893人。全镇耕地面积1.02万亩,水域面积2.23万亩,林地12.9万亩,林果业和水产业是经济支柱产业。全镇种植油橄榄2.8万亩,核桃近8000亩,水果2000亩,工业原料林3000亩,标准网箱养鱼1600箱。 Shazhou town is located in the eastern part of Qingchuan County, the town administer 11 villages, two communities, there are 121 villages (residents) group, the total population of 13,893 people. The town of 10,200 acres of arable land, water area of ​​23300 acres, 129000 acres of woodland, forestry and fisheries industry is the economic pillar industry. The town planted 28000 acres of olive, walnut nearly 8000 acres, 2000 acres of fruit, 3000 acres of industrial raw forest, the standard cage fish 1600 boxes.