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20世纪的最后十年,就世界经济领域而言,有两大事件强烈地冲击着人们,上至国际组织、每个国家,下至企业和普通百姓,都必须因其调整自己,加以应对。一是经济全球化呈现出加速发展的趋势;二是在美国诞生的新经济令全世界瞩目,受其影响,各国正在打造自己版本的新经济。如果从受冲击的直接与强烈程度来看,企业当数第一。企业若想不被淘汰出局,素质特别是企业家素质至关重要。因此,在世纪之交,全世界的每一位企业家都要经历一次大考验。要想在挑战面前不败下阵来,以下几方面是必须做到的。认清世界经济的发展趋势,把握其脉博,调整自己。尽管人们对经济全球化的起始时间还有所争论,但有一点已得到普遍认同,那就是:严格意义上的经济全球化,或者说我们目前受其冲击正在加以应对的经济全球化开始于20世纪90年代。其基本特征就是,商品、技术、信息特别是资本在全球范围内自由流动和配置,使得世界各国经济相互依存、相互影响日益 In the last decade of the 20th century, in the realm of the world economy, there are two major incidents that have strongly affected people, from international organizations, from each country, from enterprises to the common people, and have to deal with them as they adjust themselves. First, economic globalization has shown a tendency of accelerating development. Second, the new economy that emerged in the United States has drawn worldwide attention. Under the influence of the new economy, all countries are building their own version of the new economy. If from the impact of the direct and strong point of view, the number one business. If companies do not want to be eliminated, quality, especially entrepreneurial quality is crucial. Therefore, at the turn of the century, every entrepreneur in the world will undergo a grand test. To be unbeaten in front of the challenge, the following aspects must be done. Understand the development trend of the world economy, grasp its pulse, adjust yourself. Although there is still some debate about the starting time of economic globalization, it is generally accepted that economic globalization in the strict sense of the word, or the economic globalization that we are currently facing under its impact, starts with 1990s. Its basic feature is that goods, technology, information, especially capital, are freely flowing around the world and are configured so that the economies of various countries in the world are interdependent and interact with each other increasingly
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粽参川︸移州暇一麟潍豁粉渤翻誓塑笨级跨我翼少袱川粼分粼灌扮大自然的诗人@陈怡乐$浙江省象山石浦小学 Dumplings sent Sichuan} A state-owned Lin Wei Wai Bo powder swea
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