
来源 :军队党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang16432780
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胡主席着眼新的形势任务,对领导千部明确提出了讲政治、顾大局、守纪律的政治要求。讲政治、顾大局、守纪律是一个有机整体,相互作用,相互促进。其中,讲政治是核心和灵魂,是党和人民对军队的根本要求,是我军军魂、性质宗旨和本色作风的集中体现。讲政治,就是要从政治高度观察分析形势、研究解决问题,坚持正确的政治方向、政治立场、政治观点,严守政治纪律,增强政治鉴别力和政治敏锐性。面对新的形势和任务,领导千部带头讲政治,对于以实际行动迎接党的十八大胜利召开、保持我军性质宗旨、保持部队高度稳定和集中统一、圆满完成党和人民赋予的各项任务都具有重大而深远的意义。我们要站在党、国家和军队建设全局的高度,充分认清讲政治的极端重要性,准确把握讲政治的科学内涵和精神实质,把基本要求落实到推动部队建设各项工作中。 President Hu focused his efforts on the new situation and tasks and clearly put forward the political requirements of leading cadres on politics, the overall situation and discipline. To talk about politics, to take care of the overall situation and to observe discipline is an organic whole that interacts and promotes each other. Among them, speaking politics as the core and soul is the fundamental requirement of the party and the people for the army and is the concentrated embodiment of the military spirit, nature and purpose and style of the army. To speak about politics means observing and analyzing the situation from a political perspective, studying and solving problems, upholding the correct political direction, political standpoints and political views, strictly observing political discipline, and enhancing political discrimination and political acumen. In the face of the new situation and tasks, the leading cadres took the lead in talking about politics. They wanted to take concrete steps to welcome the victory of the 18 th CPC National Congress, maintain the nature and purpose of our army, maintain a high degree of stability and centralization and unification of the armed forces, and successfully complete the party’s The tasks are of great and far-reaching significance. We must stand at the top of the overall situation of building the party, the state and the armed forces, fully understand the extreme importance of politics, accurately grasp the scientific essence and spirit of politics, and implement the basic requirements to promote the work of army building.
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