引种跳舞草 收益四万元

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河南省卢氏县徐家湾药材种植场王晓京,利用报刊信息,独辟致富新路,引种珍稀观赏植物跳舞草,一年收入近4万元,成为当地轰动性新闻。跳舞草又名无风自动草,是近年刚刚被发现的一种植物,属多年生豆科小灌木。株高1米,盆栽0.6米左右。播种出苗约50天后,当气温高达24℃以上的白天,两侧小叶以中间大叶为轴心,自然旋转。在各自转动180度后,两片小叶靠贴在一起,象接吻,然 Henan Province Lushi County Xujiawan herbs plantation Wang Xiaojing, the use of newspapers and information, unique new ways to get rich, the introduction of rare ornamental plant dancing grass, annual income of nearly 40,000 yuan, a sensational local news. Dancing grass, also known as windless automatic grass, is a plant just discovered in recent years, is a perennial legume shrubs. Plant height of 1 m, about 0.6 m pot. About 50 days after sowing, when the temperature is as high as 24 degrees Celsius or above, the leaflets on both sides rotate spontaneously around the middle leaf. After turning 180 degrees in each, the two leaflets by sticking together, like kissing, of course
目的 了解多酚类化合物及其与肠黏膜机械屏障的相互作用,为从多酚类化合物方面维持肠道健康提供参考依据.方法 检索中国知网(CNKI)和PubMed数据库,对国内外有关多酚类化合物