五种竞争 五种策略

来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leijugui
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港口之间的竞争表现主要有五种; 一是原有港口的竞争。港口的地理位置基本确定了港口的腹地范围。秦皇岛港介于华北、东北两大经济区之间,其腹地兼达两大经济区,与天津、大连、营口港的部分腹地交叉。大连港与营口港除了所在地不同外,其吸引腹地条件基本相同,都是辽宁、吉林、黑龙江以及内蒙古部分地区。青岛港与烟台港吸引腹地条件基本相同,都是山东半岛。这些港口为了自身的发展,都在巩固和拓展自己的腹地,争夺货源。天津港在河北、山西、辽宁、内蒙古等全国各地建立了20多个办事处,招揽货源,争得化肥、煤炭、生铁、粮食等货源,其煤炭吞吐量已发展到1200多万吨,比1990年增加十几倍,使原由秦皇岛港转运的煤炭流向天津港,严重影响具有传统煤炭运输优势的秦皇岛港。 二是新建港口同原有港口的竞争。在老港口拓展腹地的同的,新建投产的港口都在规划自己的腹地,要求老港口重新划为腹地,带有获取港口市场份额的强烈愿望,使老港口受到“入侵”的新港口的“威协”。如新兴的京唐港、黄骅港、新开河港及已动工兴建的山海关港,已构成对天津港特别是秦皇 There are mainly five kinds of competitions between ports; one is competition from existing ports. The geographical location of the port basically determines the hinterland of the port. Qinhuangdao Port lies between North China and Northeast China's two economic zones. Its hinterland covers two major economic zones and crosses part of hinterland of Tianjin, Dalian and Yingkou Port. Dalian Port and Yingkou Port, except for their locations, have basically the same conditions of attraction to the hinterland. Both are Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and parts of Inner Mongolia. Qingdao port and Yantai Port attract hinterland conditions are basically the same, are Shandong Peninsula. For their own development, these ports are consolidating and expanding their own hinterland for the supply of goods. Tianjin Port has set up more than 20 offices in Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other parts of the country to attract supply sources and gain supply of chemical fertilizers, coal, pig iron and grain. Its coal throughput has grown to more than 12 million tons, more than 1990 Year increase of more than ten times, so that the original transfer of coal Qinhuangdao Port Tianjin Port, seriously affecting the advantages of traditional coal Qinhuangdao Port. Second, the new port with the original port competition. The same newly-built ports in the hinterland of the old port are planning their own hinterland, requiring the old port to be re-delineated with the strong desire to gain market share in the port so that the old port will be subjected to the “ Wei Association. ” Such as the emerging Jingtang Port, Huanghua Port, Xinkaihe Port and the construction of the Shanhaiguan Port have been constructed, which has constituted a serious threat to Tianjin Port, especially Qinhuang
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