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膳食营养素供给量标准(recommended dietary allowance,RDA)的制定,是营养学研究的一项重要成果,这个标准是按对象的不同年龄、性别、劳动强度及生理状况而分别作出规定,详细涉及主要的营养素和热能。然而,要广大国民按照这个标准来安排日常膳食是比较麻烦和不实用的。随着生产和经济的发展,食物的供应充裕,人们改变习惯,追求口味嗜好,过多的摄人蛋白质、脂肪和精制糖,造成体内营养素不平衡,导致糖尿病、冠心病、与某些癌症等所谓“文明病”的患病率上升,加之生产劳动中机械化自动化程度提高,家用电器的普及,人们体力活动减少,热能的消耗也相对下降,人体热能不平衡,使体重超过标准的人群大量增 The establishment of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is an important outcome of the nutrition study, which is regulated separately for different age, sex, labor intensity and physiological status of the subject, and details about the major Nutrients and heat. However, it is troublesome and impractical for the general public to arrange daily meals according to this standard. With the development of production and economy, there is ample supply of food, people changing habits, pursuing taste and taste, excessive intake of protein, fat and refined sugar, resulting in imbalance of nutrients in the body leading to diabetes, coronary heart disease and some cancers The so-called “civilized disease” increased prevalence, coupled with increased automation of production mechanization, the popularity of home appliances, people reduce physical activity, the relative decline in the consumption of heat, heat imbalance in the body, the body weight of more than a large increase in standard
目的 探讨12-脂氧合酶(12-LOX)抑制剂ML355对小鼠经脂多糖(LPS)诱导的炎症反应的拮抗效应及其分子机制.方法 ① 体内实验:将24只成年雄性C57BL/6小鼠按随机数字表法分为对照
近年来,传染性非典型肺炎、高致病性禽流感、甲型H1 N1型流感等传染病在我国局部地区流行,医疗机构作为患者聚集的场所,是传染病疾病重要的传染源〔1〕,我国医院感染的发生率
培戈卡门冬酶(长效聚乙二醇化天冬酰胺酶,calaspargase pegol-mknl,EZN-2285,SC-PEG)是一种天冬酰胺特异性酶,为急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)特异性化疗组合疗法组成之一,适用于