A 36 Mb terminal deletion of chromosome 2BL is responsible for a wheat semi-dwarf mutation

来源 :作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zm_627
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Reduced plant height is one of the most important traits related to lodging resistance and crop yield. The use of reduced height genes has been one of the main features in breeding modern high-yielding wheat varieties with less lodging. A spontaneous dwarf mutant DD399 was identified in a high yielding, gib-berellic acid (GA)-insensitive, lodging-resistant variety Nongda 399 (ND399). Significant differences in upper internode lengths between mutant DD399 and wild type ND399 were caused by reduced cell elon-gation. The plant height of ND399 ? DD399 F1 hybrids was intermediate between the parents, indicating incomplete dominance or a dose–response effect of a reduced height gene. Plant height showed contin-uous distribution in the F2 population, and segregation distortion was observed among the 2292 F2:3 pro-genies. The reduced height mutation was characterized by Illumina 90 K iSelect SNP genotyping and bulked segregant RNA-Seq (BSR-Seq) analysis of the segregating population. A concentrated cluster of polymorphic SNPs associated with the reduced height phenotype was detected in the distal region of chromosome arm 2BL. Co-segregation of reduced height phenotype with the clustered markers revealed a 36 Mb terminal deletion of chromosome 2BL in mutant DD399.
NAC family transcription factors(TFs) are important regulators in plant development and stress responses. However, the biological functions of NAC TFs in wheat are rarely studied. In this study, 43 putative drought-induced NAC genes were identified from d
为探索浏阳地区油菜高产、高效种植模式,以沣油737为试验材料,设置4个播期(9月25日、10月5日、10月15日、10月25日)、4个密度(30万、45万、60万、75万株/hm2 )、3个施氮水平(90、135、180 kg/hm2 )的3因素裂区试验,分析播期、密度、施氮水平对直播油菜生育期、抗逆性、农艺性状、产量构成因素以及产量等方面的影响。结果表明:播期9月25日、密度60万株/hm2 、施氮量180 kg/hm2
为探究白城地区苦荞生产的最佳种植密度和施肥量,采用种植密度(4个处理)和施肥量(5个处理)2个因素的随机区组试验,分析不同种植密度和施肥量对苦荞农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明:株高和茎粗随施肥量的增加而增加,主茎节数和分枝数在不同施肥量间没有显著性差异,株粒数、单株产量和千粒质量在各种植密度条件下随施肥量的增大先增后减。株高随种植密度的增加而增加,茎粗、株粒数和单株产量随种植密度的增加而减少,而种植密度对主茎节数、分枝数和千粒质量的影响不明显。种植密度为75万株/hm2 时产量随施肥
Improved chilling tolerance is important for maize production. Previous efforts in transgenics and marker-assisted breeding have not achieved practical results. In this study, the antifreeze protein(AnAFP) from the super-xerophyte Ammopiptanthus nanus was
DNA methylation participates in regulating the expression of coding and non-coding regions in plants. To investigate the association between DNA methylation and pathogen infection, we used whole-genome bisulfite sequencing to survey temporal DNA methylati
Rational nitrogen (N) application can greatly increase rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield. However, excessive N input can lead not only to low N use efficiency (NUE)
为探讨沧州生态类型区春播青贮玉米种植中芸苔素应用的可行性,以3个青贮玉米品种为材料开展田间比较试验,研究芸苔素对玉米生育期、农艺性状、产量和经济效益的影响。结果显示:与对照相比,芸苔素的应用对玉米生育期有一定延缓作用;株高增加3.7%-11.0%,穗位增加5.0%-8.5%,茎粗降低4.6%-6.0%,均达显著水平;鲜生物质量增加7.5%-13.2%,干生物质量增加1.7%-9.7%,达显著水平;产值增加1 600-2 600元/hm2 ,经济效益显著提高。芸苔素对生育期短的青贮玉米