
来源 :国外医学.药学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdwwaiwwsd
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西咪替丁通过与细胞色素P450的作用,而使许多凭藉混合功能氧化酶体系进行代谢的药物清除率降低。地尔硫(艹卓)(简称Dil)也能抑制有些药物在肝内的氧化代谢作用。临床资料已经证明上述两药均能影响普萘洛尔的代谢。作者研究了两药抑制普萘洛尔代谢的不同作用机制。 Cimetidine reduces the clearance of many drugs metabolized by a mixed-function oxidase system through its interaction with cytochrome P450. Diltiazem (Dilox) (Dil) also inhibits some drugs in the liver of the role of oxidative metabolism. Clinical data have proved that these two drugs can affect the metabolism of propranolol. The authors studied the different mechanisms of action of the two drugs in inhibiting the metabolism of propranolol.
背景 Rh CcEe抗原产生于红细胞膜上的ce Ce cE CE等位基因,目前尚不清楚其抗原决定部位的结构以及顺式作用产物的定位。材料和方法 罕见血样采自其父母为第一代表兄妹结婚的
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Model unit of Shanghai city;Only grade 3-first class general hospital of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in Shanghai awarded by National Administration