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永州市潇湘纸业公司的前身是零陵造纸厂。1988年1月2日由于该厂消防安全防范措施没有落实好,一把大火烧掉了18万余元,面临破产的困境。1994年4月,零陵地委、行署为解决职工的出路,稳定大局,决定对已停产的零陵造纸厂实行母体裂变,成立潇湘纸业公司,以重新恢复生产,并任命原造纸厂副厂长察学群为总经理。刚接受任命的秦学群同志似一炉沸腾的钢水,久久不能平静。 正是1988年的那把大火,烧掉了厂里的原材料,使厂里生产资金周转困难,停产半年,职工情绪浮动。防火工作是企业永恒的主题,要振兴纸厂搞活公司,必须向安全要效益。 秦学群同志深悟了这一关键后,走马上任了,他把安全工作摆到与生产同等重要位置。”我们组建这个公司的任务就是要使企业生存下去,企业要生存要发展,必须要提高企业的整体效益,消防安全是整体效益重要的一部分,整体效益的提高必须有要安全作保障,我们 Yongzhou Xiaoxiang Paper Company is the predecessor of Lingling paper mill. January 2, 1988 As the factory did not implement fire safety precautions, a fire burned 18 million yuan, facing the plight of bankruptcy. In April 1994, Lingling Commission and Administrative Office decided to solve the problem of staff and workers and stabilize the overall situation. It decided to carry out parental fission on the discontinued Lingling Paper Mill and set up Xiaoxiang Paper Co. to resume production and appoint the former Deputy Paper Mill Factory inspector group as general manager. Just accept the appointment of Comrade Qin Xuequn like a furnace of molten steel, a long time can not be calm. It was the fire that struck in 1988 that burned the raw materials in the factory and made it difficult for the factory to make productive cash flow. The factory halted production for six months and workers’ emotions were floating. Fire prevention is the eternal theme of the enterprise. To rejuvenate the paper mill and activate the company, it is necessary to make the safety more effective. Comrade Qin Xuequn has a deep understanding of this key and takes over immediately. He places his security work on a par with the production. "The task we set up this company is to enable enterprises to survive, the survival of enterprises to develop, we must improve the overall effectiveness of enterprises, fire safety is an important part of the overall effectiveness of the overall effectiveness of the improvement must be safe to protect, we
我们于1994年使用进口东菱精纯克栓酶治疗急性脑梗塞45例,取得满意疗效。现报道如下: 1 临床资料 本组45例均为1994年1月~12月间发病,在本院住院治疗的急性脑梗塞患者。全部