
来源 :沈阳部队医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wryktt
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1 病例报告患者女,49岁。因右上腹胀痛不适2个月于1999—05—04入院。体检无异常发现,但 CT 扫描提示整个右半肝和左内叶明显增大,呈低密度改变,边缘不清。B 超检查右半肝均为强弱不等的回声区,累及部分左内叶。诊断肝巨大海绵状血管瘤,在全麻下施行手术探查。取右侧胸腹联合切口,肝肿瘤呈粉红色海绵状,活体测量体积达16 cm×12 cm×10 cm。术中诊断右半肝巨大海绵状血管瘤,累及部分左内叶,决定施行右半肝加左内叶部分切除。首先切除胆囊,分离肝结肠韧带、肝肾韧带、肝缘韧带、右三角韧带、右冠状韧带和镰状 1 Case report Female patient, 49 years old. Due to discomfort and discomfort in the right upper quadrant, he was admitted to hospital from 1999-05-04. There was no abnormality in the physical examination, but the CT scan showed that the entire right hepatic artery and left inner lobe significantly increased, showing low density changes and unclear edges. The B-ultrasound of the right hemi-hepatic area was of different intensity and echo, involving part of the left internal lobe. Diagnosis of giant hepatic cavernous hemangioma and surgical exploration under general anesthesia. Take the right chest and abdomen combined incision, liver tumors were pink sponge-like, living measurement volume of 16 cm × 12 cm × 10 cm. Intraoperative diagnosis of a large cavernous hemangioma of the right hemisphere, involving part of the left internal lobe, and the decision to perform partial resection of the right hemi liver plus left internal lobe. First remove the gallbladder and separate the hepatocolic ligament, hepatospinal ligament, ligament of ligament, right deltoid ligament, right coronary ligament, and verrucous
在企业管理过程中,企业领导人必须研究人的心理需求上的变化,创造一个思想上宽松、工作上紧张、关系上和谐、制度上严谨、环境上优美、生活上舒适的环境,不断消除员工的失 I
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