Subjective Well-Being and Its Determinant from A Study of Beijing's Urban Elderly

来源 :心理科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaner
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This study was designed to obtain an understanding of the subjective well-being (SWB) status among China’s urban elderly, and to find out the major factors that could influence the status in question. Our survey was conducted of 233 urban elderly individuals, and the data was statistically examined by multiple regression analysis with the results that: 1) The SWB of China’s urban elderly was relatively high as only 4.5% of all respondents considered themselves unhappy or very unhappy; 2) Major factors that had an influence on SWB included economic resource, mobility, age and social support; and 3) Five demographic variables accounted for 18.6% of the variance in SWB, which was slightly higher than that of foreign findings. It is concluded that financial security, active participation in physical and social activities, and social support are necessary for the improvement of the SWB of the elderly. This study was designed to obtain an understanding of the subjective well-being (SWB) status among China’s urban elderly, and to find out the major factors that could influence the status in question. Our survey was conducted of 233 urban elderly individuals, and the data was measured by multiple regression analysis with the results that: 1) The SWB of China’s urban elderly was relatively high as only 4.5% of all respondents considered themselves unhappy or very unhappy; 2) Major factors that had an influence on SWB included economic resource, mobility, age and social support; and 3) Five demographic variables accounted for 18.6% of the variance in SWB, which was slightly higher than that of foreign findings. It is concluded that financial security, active participation in physical and social activities, and social support are necessary for the improvement of the SWB of the elderly.
据有关资料,中国有残疾人5.1千万,居世界第一位。如何帮助残疾人克服成才的心理障碍,引导他们做生活的强者,这是当前人才研究中不可忽视的重要课题。 最近笔者围绕这个问题,
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