Recurrent neural network for vehicle dead-reckoning

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wergsdf
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For vehicle integrated navigation systems, real-time estimating states of the dead reckoning (DR) unit is much more difficult than that of the other measuring sensors under indefinite noises and nonlinear characteristics. Compared with the well known, extended Kalman filter (EKF), a recurrent neural network is proposed for the solution, which not only improves the location precision and the adaptive ability of resisting disturbances, but also avoids calculating the analytic derivation and Jacobian matrices of the nonlinear system model. To test the performances of the recurrent neural network, these two methods are used to estimate the state of the vehicle’s DR navigation system. Simulation results show that the recurrent neural network is superior to the EKF and is a more ideal filtering method for vehicle DR navigation. For vehicle integrated navigation systems, real-time estimating states of the dead reckoning (DR) unit is much more difficult than that of the other measuring sensors under indefinite noises and nonlinear characteristics. Compared with well known, extended Kalman filter (EKF), a recurrent neural network is proposed for the solution, which not only improves the location precision and the adaptive ability of resisting disturbances, but also avoids calculating the analytic derivation and Jacobian matrices of the nonlinear system model. To test the performances of the recurrent neural network , these two methods are used to estimate the state of the vehicle’s DR navigation system. Simulation results show that the recurrent neural network is superior to the EKF and is a more ideal filtering method for vehicle DR navigation.
研究背景: 心脏瓣膜病变是由于炎症、退行性改变、先天性畸形、缺血、外伤等原因引起的单个或多个瓣膜结构或功能的改变,导致瓣口狭窄或关闭不全引起返流,导致血流动力学障碍
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