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文徵明(1470-1559),初名壁.后从字行.又改字徵仲.号衡山居士。嘉靖初曾任翰林院待诏.不久辞归。工诗文书画。绘画擅长山水.人物.兰竹,花卉等。山水画画风呈粗、细两种面貌,粗笔源自沈周,吴镇.兼取赵孟頫木竹石法.笔墨苍劲淋漓.又带干笔皴擦和书法飞白.于粗简中见层次和韵味。细笔取法赵孟頫、王蒙、黄公望,布景繁密.较少空间纵深,造型棱角分明,略加变形.具装饰倾向、抒情味道和稚拙感觉。用笔工细绵密.稍事生涩.于精熟中见稚拙。设色多青绿重彩.间施浅绛,鲜丽中见清雅。这些面貌综合成就了文徵明绘画作品具有浓烈文人书卷气息的独殊特点。《浒溪草堂图卷》纸本设色.纵26.6厘米.横142.5厘米.为文徵明1535年应友人沈天民之邀而作.是典型 Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), first name wall. After the word line. Jiajing Chu served as Imperial Academy to be Chao. Gong poetry painting. Painting is good at landscapes. People. Blue bamboo, flowers and so on. Landscape painting style is rough, fine two kinds of appearance, rough pen from Shen Zhou, Wuzhen .And take Zhao Mengduo bamboo and stone method .Britainly dripping .With dry brush and rubbing calligraphy white .In the crudeness see levels and charm. Fine drawing method Zhao Mengfu, Wang Meng, Huang Gongwang, scenic scenery. Less space depth, modeling angular, slightly deformed. With decorative tendencies, lyrical taste and naive feeling. Pen with fine workmanship. Slight jerky. In the mature see naive. Tinted multi-green heavy color. Shi facilities light purple, elegant see elegant. All of these features have made the unique characteristics of Wen Zhengming’s paintings with a strong atmosphere of literati scroll. “Hu River cottage map volume” set color paper. Vertical 26.6 cm. Horizontal 142.5 cm. To Wen Zhengming 1535 should be invited by the people Shentian people made. Is a typical
目的评价长春瑞滨加卡铂(NC)联合同期高剂量70 Gy的三维适形放射治疗非小细胞肺癌的耐受性,并初步观察其疗效。方法病理或细胞学确诊的晚期非小细胞肺癌接受同期放化疗。均采
A new moored microstructure recorder(MMR) is designed, developed, tested, and evaluated. The MMR directly measures the high-frequency shear of velocity fl uctua
前身——漫画美国的漫画是电影公司取之不尽的宝藏,在美国漫画大陆上有 DC Comic 与 Marvel这两家大公司。他们麾下有许多知名的江湖侠客。DC 派出超人、蝙蝠侠、猫女挑战,M
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让我们永远铭记这一刻,愿逝者安息,生者坚强…… Let us keep this moment in mind forever, so that the dead will rest in peace and the living beings will be strong
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