技术特点:从鞋的内衬面开始,adidas的革新技术开始出现,虽然仍旧没有使用内靴,但T-MAC VI的鞋内衬面使用了创新的Formotion技术材料,这种能够快速排出热量的材料与Nike的Sphere有着异曲同工之妙,效果也是不遑多让。中底:GCS Road是一种功能性的中底,可逐渐适应着地面的状况、提高动作控制效果、并减缓足内外翻的速率。外底:GCS Trail会自动适应地面状况,让您的脚舒适自如,如履平地。并且据说这项技术在兼具稳定性的同时对膝盖保护也很好,走长路膝盖不会疼痛。
Technical Features: Starting from the lining of the shoe, adidas innovations are starting to emerge. Although no booties are still used, the T-MAC VI’s shoe lining uses innovative Formotion technical materials that quickly dissipate heat Materials and Nike’s Sphere has similar advantages, the effect is not much. Midsole: GCS Road is a functional midsole that gradually adapts to ground conditions, improves motion control, and slows the rate of foot pronation. Outsole: The GCS Trail automatically adapts to the ground conditions to make your feet comfortable and smooth. And it is said that the technology is also good for knee protection while maintaining stability, and it does not hurt to take a long knee.