纽约医学图书馆中心(MLC),1959年根据纽约州立大学董事会教育法建立。它是非赢利的独立组织,只为其会员服务,并以会员的会费作为经营资金,故不是一个公共图书馆。图书馆中心收藏9,000种期刊,大部份是回溯性的。有40,000种专题文章,50,000种外国生物医学学位论文。从1976年开始,国会指定为政府出版物收藏图书馆。会员 MLC约有60个成员馆,纽约市区设有的卫生科学图书馆机构,都可以申请参加作为成员馆。会员分三类:一类是“主
The New York Medical Library Center (MLC) was established in 1959 under the State University of New York Board of Education Act. It is a non-profit, independent organization that serves its members only and uses membership dues as its operating funds, so it is not a public library. The Library Center has a collection of 9,000 journals, mostly retrospective. There are 40,000 monographs and 50,000 foreign biomedical dissertations. Since 1976, the National Assembly has been designated as a government publication collection library. Member MLC about 60 member libraries, New York City area has a health science library agencies, can apply to participate as a member Pavilion. Members divided into three categories: one is "Lord