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梅花入肴,古已有之。早在宋代,梅花便被做成多种食物,其中最著名的是“梅花粥”。宋人还常取鲜梅花,蘸糖、蜜吃,用以助酒。梅花还可作香料,用在生菜、齑的烹制之中。《山家清供》记载:南宋高宗吴皇后“性恭俭,每至治生菜,必于梅花取落花以杂之,其香犹可知也。”又记载“梅花齑”(齑是将芳香蔬菜捣成稠酱状的一种开胃小菜)的原料有姜、椒、茴、萝,在其中“入梅英一掬”。用梅花烹制的名菜有“梅花鲫鱼汤”、“梅花鸡昧鱿鱼羹”、“梅花羹”、“梅花鱼丸”、“梅花汤饼”和“梅花香油菜”等。多选瓣大气香的红梅、白梅或蜡梅,有生津、顺气、止咳、止喘、解毒等作用。现介绍几款 Plum into the food, the ancient has been. As early as the Song Dynasty, plum blossom was made into a variety of foods, the most famous of which is “plum porridge.” Song often also take fresh plum, dipped in sugar, honey eat, to help wine. Plum can also be used as spices, used in lettuce, 齑 cooking. “Hill house for the Qing” records: the Southern Song Emperor Gaozong “sexual Gongjian, every rule of lettuce, must take the plum to take the flower to miscellaneous, its fragrance still know.” Also recorded “Plum Blossoms” Vegetable pounded into a thick sauce like an appetizer) of raw materials are ginger, pepper, fennel, radish, in which “into a British plum.” Plum cooking dishes include “Plum crucian carp soup”, “plum chicken ignorant squid soup”, “plum soup”, “plum fish balls”, “plum soup pie” and “plum sesame oil” and so on. Multi-selection of the Hong Hongmei atmospheric plum, plum or waxy plum, a fluid, good gas, cough, Zhichuan, detoxification and so on. Now introduce several
1 选用良种主要选耐低温、寡光、早熟、粉色、高产、抗性好、品质佳的品种。如:佳粉15号、双抗2号、L402。我们示范用L402很适宜天水地区秋冬茬早熟高产栽培,其产量高,品质佳,
作者证实,碘化钾可加速过氧化氢分解,使之迅速释出活性氧而增强其杀菌作用。将过氧化氢与碘化钾以相等浓度(0.0075~0.5%),按1:1比例配制成混合液.在混合液1 ml 中加入0.1 ml
目的:探讨心理干预在脑梗死康复患者中的疗效.方法:选取共选取 90 例患者,均为脑梗死康复患者,研究时间从 2017 年 8 月持续到 2019 年 6 月,在双方知情且自愿的前提下,按照
  The range profile is studied first in the microwave band.With the advent of the lidar technology,the range profile is studied from microwave band to the las
目的 分析系统规范疼痛管理在骨折疼痛控制中的应用效果.方法 随机选择我院2019年4月至2020年3月接诊的骨折患者180例为临床观察对象,将患者平均分成两组,在对对照组患者进行
父亲:一个永远追梦的人      2006年10月中旬,驻吉林市某预备役师传来喜讯:该部高级工程师朱克明研制的通信兵被复线接续机具获军队科技进步奖。至此,朱克明已革新器材60余项,其中多项发明荣获国家发明奖、全军科技进步奖,他个人荣立一等功,被评为全军科技先进个人。朱克明出名了!然而,荣耀与光环的背后,却有一段鲜为人知的传奇般人生经历。  “听说了吗?朱克明那小子被揪出来了。”  “谁是朱克明?”