“金矿”就在您身边 人人都可“淘金”

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金子、金子,开门吧每当我听到厂长们为消化原材料涨价、为提高企业效益,叫苦不迭的时候,心中常常幻想:如果能找到一座神秘的金库,又探知了打开金库大门的秘诀,该多好啊!那时节,我一定要把“金子、金子,开门吧”一类的秘诀,念个不停,让厂长们带领全体职工,把金库里的金银财宝统统搬出来,发展生产,共渡难关。时至今日,在提高企业经济效益已成为改革成败的关键时刻,我兴奋地告诉厂长们:这幻想已成现实,金矿就在你身边,秘诀就是价值工程。只要厂长们诚心诚意地念动秘诀,认认真真地带领职工们开矿、淘金,那么,黄澄澄的金子就会源源不断地从您身边冒出来。 Gold, gold, open the door Whenever I heard the director of the company to digest the raw material prices, in order to improve business efficiency, complaining, often illusions: If you can find a mysterious vault, and then find out the secret to open the vault door How wonderful! At that time, I must keep the secrets of “gold and gold, open the door” and read the tips, let the factory managers lead all the staff, and all the treasures of gold and silver in the vault were moved out to develop production and tide over difficulties. Today, improving corporate economic efficiency has become a crucial moment for the success of the reform. I am excited to tell the director: This illusion has become a reality and the gold mine is on your side. The secret is value engineering. As long as the factory managers sincerely read the secrets and earnestly lead the workers in mining and gold rushing, then Huang Chengcheng’s gold will come from you.
“拿出你们最有创造力的设计,”他回忆说,“他们的脸上呈现出从监狱里重返自由的表情。”2006年12月一天寒冷的早上,当William McComb—美国著名时装集团丽资克莱本(Liz Clai
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