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  “铁拳”主动防护系统能够很容易地安装在从装甲人员输送车到主战坦克的装甲车辆上,目前正在研制应用在像美国“悍马”(HMMWV)一类轻型装甲车辆上的主动防护系统。在这期间,2套主动防护系统原始型样品中的一套已被安装在M113装甲人员输送车上,另一套则安装在美国制造的M60主战坦克的改进型Sabra MkⅢ上。
  Iron Fist incorporates radar developed by the Elta subsidiary of lsraeI Aircraft Industries.infrared(IR)sensors for short response time developed by Elbit/Elisra, 1aunchers ofcountermeasures and a computerised control unit. Four flat-panel antennas installed around a vehicle provide 360°coverage for it in the horizontal plane and also a large but unspecified angle in elevation. The radar detects and tracks approaching threats at close range while the control unit, which is connected to it and the IR sensors, operates the launchers and determines whether or when to activate them.
  There are two rapidly traversable launchers typically located at opposite corners of a vehicle and each covering an arc of 270°, which ensures a degree of overlap. Each launcher is armed with two countermeasures or’interceptors’which are loaded manually. The interceptors’kill’approaching threats by blast, being pre-set to explode near them at launch or by command signalssent to them by a radio link. In appearance the interceptors resemble mortar bombs but have combustible casings so that they do not spray fragments and therefore minimise collateraI damage.
  During trials the blast of the interceptors’explosions proved sufficiently powerful to separate the shaped charge warhead of an antitank grenade from its tail, causing deflagration and not exploding it. In the case of attack by KE Projectiles the interceptors are exploded in front of them, to tilt them downwards so that they strike their targets yawed and therefore with much reduced penetration capability.
  The Iron Fist svstem can be installed easily on vehicles ranging from armoured personnel carriers to main battle tanks and is being developed for use on vehicles as light as the US High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle(HMMWV). In the meantime one of two prototype systems has been installed on a M113 tracked armoured personnel carrier and the other on a Sabra Mk III, a modified version of the USbuilt M60 main battle tank.
Objective. The study was undertaken in order to evaluate the effect of magnesium (Mg) supplementation on muscle contents of Mg, muscle strength, muscle mass and
AIM: The mucoprotective agents, sofalcone and polaprezinc have anti-Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) activities. We determined the therapeutic effects of sofalcon
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