Teaching Design of A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nian11
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  Design concept
  At present, China’s senior high school English curriculum reform is gradually changing from "knowledge-based" to "English key competence". Therefore, the traditional spoon-feeding teaching method, as well as the excessive emphasis on the practicality of language in the reading teaching, cannot meet the requirements of improving students key competence , and needs the cooperation and improvement of teachers and students in the classroom.
  Textbook analysis
  This course is based on people for high elevation of A new English A compulsory 1 Unit4 Earthquakes reading part of "A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep" and design of a class, the text mainly tells the story Tangshan earthquake, through the signs before the earthquake, the earthquake and a complete description of the earthquake relief, to reproduce the Tangshan earthquake .
  Analysis of academic situation
  The Grade 1 students have already accumulated certain vocabulary foundation in junior middle school, however, students’ personality and English level differ greatly, so the teaching design should have a gradient process, from the superficial to the profound, paying attention to the hierarchical nature.
  Teaching objectives
  According to the new requirements of the course objective, I determined the following teaching objectives.
  Language knowledge and ability
  Students can use the language knowledge to describe earthquake signs, hazards and post-earthquake rescue.
  Thinking quality and ability
  1. Improve students’ reading ability through fast reading and careful reading.
  2. Cultivate students’ thinking quality by means of processing, classification and guessing information in extensive reading and intensive reading.
  Cultural awareness and learning ability
  1. Appreciate and use English figure of speech to understand the similarities between Chinese and western languages.
  2. Discuss and share, and use the knowledge to improve students’ learning ability.
  Teaching focuses and difficulties
  Key points
  1. Develop students’ ability to acquire and process information in the process of deep reading.
  2. Improve students’ English discipline literacy through in-depth text reading.
  Difficult points
  1. Students use their knowledge to talk about earthquake related topics.
  2. How to improve students’ English discipline literacy through in-depth text reading.   Teaching process
  Step 1 Warming up
都说狗是人类的朋友。  可真的是这样吗?  或许,我们只是用“友谊”的借口来束缚它们的自由。    一    我蹲在大树之下,用灰白色的视野观察着过往的车流。公路对面的两只野狗又在嬉闹,时不时地发出让人抓狂的叫声。我鄙夷地别过头:哼哼,真是没有教养的狗。  一辆大客车飞快地开过,刮起一阵局部沙尘暴。顿时,飞扬的尘土落了我满头满脸。我打了一个喷嚏,站起身来想去追那辆车子,可惜脖子上的皮圈勒住了我。我
【摘 要】组织教师听、评校内教研课,尤其是每一位教师每学期都要参与的“一人一课”,是众多学校沿用多年的传统做法。为了提高“一人一课”活动的实效性,需要对其进行改良和完善,从单纯关注表面的数量走向关注深层的质量,从单纯关注教研课本身的质量走向关注团队的参与程度。  【关键词】教研课 参与 全面 全程 全员  教学工作是学校的中心工作,教学质量是学校的生命线,提高课堂教学质量是提高学校整体质量的关键环
女孩,看了你的信,第一感觉是,你很幸运啊,有那么多好朋友。从数量说,竟然有三个;从质量说,可以“形影不离,无话不谈”,连最隐秘的心事都可以倾诉,太羡慕你了。  “对某个男生产生好感”之类的事情,其实每个女生都遇到过,每个年代都不例外,这是少女情窦初开时很正常很美好的体验,伴随而来的心烦意乱也十分正常。你父母辈年龄的人,他们可没你那么幸福,可以和朋友“分享”。他们只能将其压抑在心底,把它当成罪恶,当
这条每天上学放学的路,  被我走了那么多遍,  终于变得又柔软又亲切。  我等着毕业的时候把它叠起来,  收进上衣口袋,  跟我去远方。
【摘 要】 兼职教师是开放大学教师队伍的重要组成部分。研究兼职教师队伍除了基于兼职单位的视角外,反映兼职教师的诉求、了解兼职教师在兼职教学中的体验,以及其本职工作单位对教师兼职的态度,对加强兼职教师队伍建设具有重要意义。本研究以江苏开放大学2015年秋季学期的兼职教师为研究对象,在文献研究的基础上,通过问卷和访谈对兼職教师及其本职单位进行了调查,并对数据进行了定量分析。研究表明,加强兼职教师队伍建
[摘要]办学思想是学校办学治校的灵魂和统帅,是对自身办学实践的总结、反思和理性提升,是学校教育的本质特征和深刻的理论内涵的有机结合和综合表现。徐州市潘塘中心小学依据学校校情、生情确立了“慧心引领成长乐创点亮未来”的办学思想,并积极践行。  [关键词]办学思想 慧创 践行  一、办学思想是学校办学的灵魂  “为什么而办学”是每所学校要回答的首要问题。回归原点,应该是学校办学的立场。教育之原点是教师对
初二那年,我遭到了校园霸凌。  当时,我随父母的工作调动而转学。在新学校,没来得及融入女生的圈子,男生们已给我起了很难听的绰号。在每一个我出现的地方:教室内外、楼道上下,他们都会蓦然喊叫起来。我又羞又恼,还要假装若无其事。他们看到了我的窘况,像抓娃娃机一抓必中,得意非凡,叫得更欢了。  然后,他们开始不断地丢我的东西,有次书包被扔到树梢上,课本和文具散了一地。那是午饭时间,我边哭边蹲在树下捡,人群
【摘要】《英语国家社会与文化》课程是一门语言技能与专业知识相结合的课程。通过介绍英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰以及爱尔兰的社会与文化概况并有意识地导入中外文化的横向比较和探索,增强学生对英语国家社会与文化的敏感性、处理社会文化差异的灵活性,从而培养学生的跨文化交际能力。本文旨在通过把《英语国家社会与文化》课堂教学与MOOC结合起来形成混合教学模式,从而解决该课程教学中存在的诸多问题。  【关