
来源 :国外医学情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzy19900924
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奥地利《最近新闻》第11期(1981年)第7页报道:维也纳大学第二医学门诊正在研究癌瘤在机体发展早期的选择性诊断方法。他们研究的一个主要标准,是在病人的生理系统他们发现有过量的前列腺素(有各种像激素作用的氧化不饱和环形脂肪酸)。对胃、肠癌病例的初步观察显示在癌瘤病人血液中,此种脂肪酸衍生物的水平可高至健康人的几乎两倍。至今,对此种化学物质的了解尚少,一般在机体内约有12种前列腺素为代谢过程所必须的。但已证实特异类型的前列腺素的过量是患癌的特征。最近的研究是确定何种类型的前列腺素与哪种类型的癌瘤独特有关连。 The Austrian “News News”, Issue 11 (1981), p. 7 reports: The second medical clinic at the University of Vienna is studying selective methods for the early diagnosis of cancer in the body. One of the main criteria they studied was in the patient’s physiologic system. They found that there was an excess of prostaglandins (a variety of oxidized unsaturated fatty acids like hormones). Initial observations of stomach and bowel cancers show that in the blood of cancer patients, the level of this fatty acid derivative can be almost twice as high as that of healthy people. To date, little is known about such chemicals. There are generally about 12 prostaglandins required for metabolic processes in the body. However, it has been demonstrated that an excess of a specific type of prostaglandin is characteristic of cancer. Recent research has been to determine what type of prostaglandin is uniquely related to which type of cancer.
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