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其实素质教育就是依据人类发展和社会发展的实际需要,以全面提高中小学生的基本素质为根本目的,以尊重学生主体和主动精神、注重开发学生的智慧潜能、注重形成人的健全个性为根本特征的教育,也是注重受教育者基本素质发展的教育,是当前势在必行的教育。人的素质结构是开放的,有序的、分层次的身心系统。其涵义是教育者根据一定社会的要求,有目的、有计划、有组织地对受教育者的身心施加影响,把他们培养成为祖国需要、 In fact, quality education is based on the actual needs of human development and social development, in order to comprehensively improve the basic quality of primary and secondary students as the fundamental purpose, respect for the students and the initiative, focusing on developing students’ potential for wisdom, focusing on the formation of a healthy personality as the basic characteristics Of education, but also pay attention to the education of the basic quality of education, is the imperative education. Human quality structure is an open, orderly, hierarchical body and mind system. The implication is that according to certain social requirements, educators purposely, systematically and organically exert influence on the educated people’s physical and psychological, and train them to become the needs of the motherland.
一读:1.我大声朗读第一单元所有课文,连题目也不放过,对不认识的字作上了记号。2.读完后想办法认识这些陌生的字,一个都不放过。我看生字表认识的字有: First Reading: 1. I
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