长江第四次洪峰将于今夜抵达黄石,我和许多女防汛队员是第一次来到一线夜守江堤。说此刻的心里不紧张、不害怕,那是假话,前日我去过风波港,亲眼见到抢险队员们抢堵一处管涌险情。再次来到江堤上,一见到水位高涨后暴宽的江面,我的心又沉重了起来。 举目望,峭立江中的西塞山依稀可见,此时却丝毫找不到“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥”的诗意。冷不妨豆大的雨点砸了下来,我赶忙躲进编织布塔的简易帐篷。不足十米长的地方挤了百多人,里面又闷又热,在角落站定,就已汗如雨下。心里禁不住直埋怨,你怎么没完没了地下,真不会挑
The fourth flood peak of the Yangtze River will reach Tonight tonight, and I and many women flood control team members came to the line for the first time night to keep the river embankment. Said at the moment not nervous, not afraid, that is a lie, the day before yesterday I have been to Hong Kong Harbor, saw the rescue team grab a plugging danger. Once again came to the embankment, once saw the water level rose after the wide river, my heart is heavy again. Look up, Xiliyi in the Qili River faintly visible, but at this time did not find the slightest “Xisaishan ago egret fly, peach flow tuna fish” poetic. Cold rain may drop big beans down, I hurried to hide the simple tents weaving cloth tower. Less than ten meters long place crowded more than 100 people, which are boring and hot, standing in the corner, it has sweat. My heart can not help but complain, how endless you underground, really will not pick