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文昌水秀,祥泰之州。素有“汉唐古郡、淮海名区”之称的历史文化名城泰州,位于江淮相会之处,荟萃江南水乡秀色。这里人杰地灵,名贤辈出,代表人物有《水浒传》作者施耐庵、“扬州八怪”之一的郑板桥、京剧艺术大师梅兰芳等。迎着改革开放的春风,泰州大力推进经济社会全面发展,着力打造“水天堂、不夜城”这张特色城市名片,成为长江之滨的一颗耀眼明珠;新兴的医药产业异军突起,中国(泰州)医药城已成为国家高新技术开发区。为进一步推动文化传承与发展,泰州市文化局、泰州市音乐家协会、泰州市文化馆组织举办了音乐创作研讨会。现将其中部分优秀作品选登于此,以飨读者。 Wenchang Shuixiu, Xiangtai state. Known as “Han and Tang Dynasties ancient county, Huaihai area” known as the historical and cultural city of Taizhou, located in the JAC meeting place, a blend of beauty of the Yangtze River Delta. Here the old times, famous people in large numbers, representatives of “Water Margin” author Shi Naian, “Yangzhou Baizai ” Zheng Banqiao, Beijing Opera master Mei Lanfang and so on. In response to the spring breeze of reform and opening up, Taizhou vigorously promotes the all-round economic and social development and endeavored to create a business card featuring “Water Paradise, Ever Night City” and a dazzling pearl of the coast of the Yangtze River. The emerging pharmaceutical industry has been sprung up in China (Taizhou ) Medical City has become a national high-tech development zone. To further promote the cultural heritage and development, Taizhou City Department of Culture, Taizhou Musicians Association, Taizhou City Cultural Museum organized a music creation seminar. Now some of these excellent works will be posted here to readers.
目的 了解恶性疟原虫FCC1/HN株Pf332抗原 (Ag332 )的初级结构和潜在的抗原表位。方法 根据Pf332基因已知序列 ,合成 9对引物用于从恶性疟原虫FCC1/HN株基因组DNA中扩增Pf33
【本刊讯】今年是我国著名小提琴教育家林耀基教授逝世一周年,2010年4月14日由西安音乐学院主办,特邀武汉音乐学院“林耀基小提琴基地”10岁 This year is the anniversary
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△ 9月 17日 ,国家统计局副局长卢春恒、人口与科技司司长张为民、广东省统计局副局长叶健夫等视察广州市人口普查工作。△ 9月 2 7日 ,广州市统计局农经处接待到访的美国农
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目的 :探讨在高原建立富氧室对青年运动前后血流动力学的影响 ,为提高高原劳动能力探索有效途经 ;方法 :1 0名受试者在进入富氧室前后及运动前后分别坐于踏车功量机上 ,以 60