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在公安学理论中 ,“公安工作基本规律”是一个重要但一直“空缺”着的基本理论范畴。实际上 ,自从人民公安工作诞生以来 ,一条稳定的公安工作基本规律一直在发挥着普遍的支配作用 ,即 :在党和政府领导下 ,公安部门与广大群众结合起来 ,依靠科学、法律、道德维护社会治安秩序 ,同违法犯罪行为、治安事故作斗争 ,维护社会治安稳定 ,最大限度地满足国家、社会和人民不断发展和提高的治安需要。 In public security theory, the basic law of public security work is an important but always “vacancy” basic theoretical category. In fact, since the establishment of the people’s public security work, a stable basic law of public security work has always played a universal dominance. Under the leadership of the party and the government, the public security departments are united with the masses of the people and rely on science, law and moral safeguard Social security order, struggle against criminal acts and public order accidents, safeguard social order and stability, and satisfy the constantly growing and improving public order needs of our country, society and people.
对液氧 煤油液体火箭发动机的预燃室进行三维湍流流动与燃烧过程的数值模拟。流动采用圆柱坐标系中的三维N S方程组 ,并用k ε双方程湍流模型闭合 ,用同位网格和SIMPLE算法
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主要研究安纳托利亚中部昌克勒-乔鲁姆盆地(Cankiri-Corum Basin)始新世含褐煤层中的孢粉与环境.在采尔特克组(Celtek Fm.)30块样品中共发现至少100种孢粉类型,包括部分具地
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