
来源 :福建农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaocjs
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在毛主席“以粮为纲,全面发展”方针的指引下,我省粮食生产连年丰收,果品产量不断增长。为了夺取一九七三年果品的更大丰收,当前必须加强柑桔等果园的管理工作。一、抓紧果园施肥:采果后到春芽抽发前是柑桔等果树的重要追肥时期。抓好当前果园施肥对恢复树势,促进花芽分化有重要作用。特别是近年米,一些果区施肥水平有所降低,引起树势衰弱,花果减少,幼树生长缓慢,及时施足春前肥更显重要。果树施肥要根据品种、树龄、树势、产量、土质等实际情况分别对待。一般以腐熟的人畜粪尿、饼肥、禽粪毛、垃圾士等有机肥料为主,结合适量化肥。柑桔成年树,一般每株施入畜粪尿五十至八十 Under Chairman Mao’s principle of “taking grain as the key link and all-round development”, the province’s grain production has been bumper year after year and the output of fruit products has been continuously increasing. In order to gain a greater harvest of fruits in 1973, it is now necessary to intensify the management of orchards such as citrus. First, pay close attention to fertilization in the orchard: picking fruit to the spring before pumping buds are citrus and other important tree top dressing period. Grasping the current orchard fertilization on the restoration of tree vigor and promote flower bud differentiation has an important role. In recent years, especially in some rice fields, the fertilization levels in some fruit areas have been reduced, which has led to the weakening of tree vigor, the reduction of flower and fruit, the slow growth of saplings and the timely application of foot-before fertilizer. Fruit tree fertilization should be based on species, age, tree potential, yield, soil and other actual conditions were treated. Generally decomposed manure excrement, cake, poultry manure, trash and other organic fertilizer-based, combined with appropriate amount of fertilizer. Citrus adult tree, generally each plant into the excrement urine fifty to eighty
Today, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been routinely used as a most effective treatment procedure for severe male factor infertility.In routine ICS
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