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美国第二代因特网计划实施情况展览最近在华盛顿举行,这个展览由白宫、7个联邦政府机构和企业界以及大学联合举办,目的是推进第二代因特网的建设。 克林顿总统早在1996年10月就提出要建立第二代因特网,在今年1月发表的国情咨文报告中又再次呼吁国会大力支持这一计划。这项计划是一个由联邦政府、工业界、大学和研究机构共同参与的研究开发项目,其目标是研究和开发更加先进的网络技术,促使医疗保健、环境、制造、国防和教育等领域的技术发生根本性的变革。 总统前科学和技术顾问约翰·吉本森博士说,克林顿总统提出的第二代因特网计划,将加速开发适用于21世纪的更加先进和应用范围更加广泛的网络技术和信息技术,大大推动工业界、大学和政府之间的合作和伙伴关系,从而继续确保美国在信息和确信技术领域里的领先地位,创造新的就业机会和提高产品的市场竞争力。 The United States second-generation Internet plan implementation exhibition was recently held in Washington. The exhibition was jointly organized by the White House, seven federal government agencies, and the business community and universities. The purpose is to promote the construction of the second-generation Internet. As early as October 1996, President Clinton proposed to establish a second-generation Internet. In his State of the Union address report released in January this year, he once again called for Congress to strongly support this plan. This project is a research and development project involving the federal government, industry, universities, and research institutions. The goal is to research and develop more advanced network technologies that will promote technologies in the areas of healthcare, the environment, manufacturing, defense, and education. A fundamental change has taken place. Dr. John Gibson, former presidential scientific and technical advisor, said that President Clinton’s second-generation Internet plan will accelerate the development of more advanced and more widely used network technologies and information technologies applicable to the 21st century, which will greatly promote the industrial The cooperation and partnership between the university and the government will continue to ensure that the United States is in the leading position in the field of information and conviction technology, creating new employment opportunities and improving the market competitiveness of products.
本刊今年第一期发表《智者房林相》一文后,在读者中引起强烈反响。各地读者不断来信来电询问有关“四化水”的详细情况。为此,本期特设版面,对产品加以简要介绍。 超日牌明